Help in selecting 1 of 3 amplifiers

I’ve narrowed my choices for a new integrated amplifier to 3: Peachtree Nova 125 se, Rogue Sphinx, and Wyred 4 Sound mINT. The amplifier will be paired with Kef ls50s and play mainly digital files either from an Onix XCD-88, or an SMSL Sanskrit external DAC (won’t use the external if I get the Wyred or the Peachtree). What are your thought on choosing one? I can’t audition any of the amps where I live so I’ll be buying it blind, umm unheard?

the room is on the larger side since it’s a combined living room and kitchen 15’x25’. The speakers will be in a built in wall unit. Acoustically the room is pretty good, even our Samsung tv sounds darn good, so I’m not worried about the ls50s being unable to fill The room. I’m trying to keep the cost down so I’ll be picking it up used, if Zi can find one. Help me pick the winner!
Go Rogue.....  I have had good luck with several tube / mini monitor combinations.   Those speakers have a great mid range that will exploit the virtues of tube amplification.   Their support is supposed to be good, maybe others can comment 
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Bob is correct, lovey speakers the LS50’s but if you want the best from them they need a bit of current from an amp, because of the combination of 5.3 ohms and –41° at 135Hz which could equate to an EPDR of around 3ohms as seen by the amp.
As an example for a small integrated, I can think of the little old Krell 300i that would suit.
Stereophile: Krell 300i " 250W peak program, 8 ohms, grew to 400W peak into 4 ohms with 620W peak available into 2 ohms. These figures are backed by ample peak current, measured at approximately ±45A"

Stereophile Quote:
"The electrical phase angle is generally mild, but the combination of 5.3 ohms and –41° at 135Hz, a frequency where music often has high energy, will make the speaker work at its best with a good, 4 ohm–rated amplifier."

Cheers George

Again, I am blown away by the knowledge base of the members of Audiogon.  Thank you all for your thoughts. Bob I didn't realize you were still around. I recall your posts on the Qinpu amplifiers several years ago. I'm finally parting ways with my 1.0x although I am curious to see how the ls 50s would sound with it. 

Any others out there with opinions on the Rogue, Peachtre and Wyred4sound?

I switched between a Parasound A 21 and 20-watt Cary CAD 572 SE tube monoblocks that are MOL on permanent loan to drive a pair of LS50s, and was surprised at how well the Cary amps sounded with those speakers.  (I plan to compare them to an Ayer VX-5 Twenty that I hope to have soon.)
