Help choosing Marantz integrated amp upgrade


I am considering upgrading to a Marantz integrated amplifier. Curious if folks here could help guide me with this decision, or if it's even worth upgrading at this time.

My current entry level system consists of a Rotel RA-12 integrated amp (has a built in DAC and phono stage), Pro-Ject Debut Carbon, DTS Play-Fi streamer, and stand mounted Polk RTiA1s.

I hope to upgrade the speakers later this year. Will be looking at monitors from Totem Acoustic, Wharfedale and Kef at that time.

At present I am thinking of replacing the Rotel with a Marantz. These are the three options I have narrowed down ...

Option 1: PM8005 + an external DAC.
I like that this has a pre-out. Sometimes I turn on a sub when playing certain genres or albums. Would be considering a Schiit or iFi DAC to connect to the Play-Fi streamer.

Option 2: HD-AMP1 + an external phono pre.
I really like the aesthetics and small footprint of this one. Plus has a sub out feature. I'd love any phono pre-amp recommendations. Would be looking to spend around $300 for one.

Option 3: PM7005
Built in Dac and Phono makes this a simple solution, but no pre or sub out.

I have no plans to upgrade my TT any time soon. I have added the acrylic platter, Ortofon 2M Blue, and Speed box which have all been noticeable upgrades. I'll probably hold onto this TT for sometime.

Curious if anyone has input, suggestions, or, considering those three upgrade paths, if I should abandon this track.

Here is an image of my current system to give you an idea of the space. This system is only a couple years old and I am still learning a lot.

Let’s not get carried away here guys. There’s a reason I never recommend speakers. That is because speakers are generally such a personal preference that you could definitely miss the boat of what the OP expects from a set of speakers.  Also, that there are a 100 different opinions on what the best speaker is. The OP did mention that he was going to look into Totem Acoustic, Wharfedale and Kef speakers. Let him listen to a number of speakers. Then, if he has a specific question on a speaker, I’m sure he’ll post it in the speaker subforum. I definitely have my own opinions on what I think is the best solution overall, but I answered the OP’s question as asked without trying to push another idea or brand on him.
OK sfall, whatever man. 
I know what I read in your post - you emphatically recommend only one speaker, a Vandersteen Model 1. 

Similar to auxinput's excellent advice above, I said he should understand a speakers needs (impedance & sensitivity) and how this relates to his current amp and future amp's output capabilities.  And above all, go out and audition them!

Speakers are so subjective that no one can make a meaningful recommendation other than offering advice on how a prospective buyer should seek one out on his own.


Focus on finding the right speakers for now. Once found start another thread with focus on electronics. Good luck in your quest!
"OK sfall, whatever man.
I know what I read in your post - you emphatically recommend only one speaker, a Vandersteen Model 1."

Not true. I also recommend the 2's and 3's as well. My reasons for doing so are stated above. In a situation like this, its a very safe recommendation. Why do you think the Model 2's are the best selling high end speaker on the markret? No other speaker even comes close. The simple answer is, its very easy to get good results. Can anyone gaurantee good results? Of course not. There's alyways some risk involved, but have a look at the listings. For a best selling speaker, you would expect to see quite a few listings. The opposite is true.

"Similar to auxinput's excellent advice above, I said he should understand a speakers needs (impedance & sensitivity) and how this relates to his current amp and future amp's output capabilities. And above all, go out and audition them!"

I agree. Its good advice. I've driven well over a thousand miles to audition components. I don't think you got the meaning of my previous comments. I wasn't trying to get the OP to buy a pair of Model 1's unheard.

I'm thinking you should buy a pair for yourself, as well. Get your system sounding right and you won't be so miserable. 

I’m thinking you should buy a pair for yourself, as well. Get your system sounding right and you won’t be so miserable.
I’m very happy with my Dynaudios, thank you. And unlike some posters, I am not so presumptuous as to recommend them to the OP or anyone else. Or any other brand for that matter. Do to so, is just being a shill without taking into account the OP's best interests and needs.