The "most foolish" loudspeaker tweak/upgrade ... is

I suggest Von Schweikert Audio's "ULTRA Internal Wire Upgrade" at a 'mere' $39,700..

Years ago I had a pair of Vandersteen 1Bs that included a small cat trampoline in their design (I think the new ones include this also). I noticed this did have an effect on their tone when the trampoline/sleeping spot was in use by the cat, and due to damage to the speaker cloth by clawing I sent them back to Vandy for new covers and then sold them. Also, I recently ordered new speakers that include Real Good Wire that if nothing else does make me feel better. Not sure what they're gonna sound like but if I don't like them I'll at least know it's not the wire.
if I don't like them I'll at least know it's not the wire
Ah, Wolf, don't be hasty.  Haven't you been paying attention? It may indeed be the wire.  Not all manufacturers are savvy enough to orient their internal wire in the correct direction.  Wire is directional because it is produced by pulling through dies (I learned that here from a leading scientist).  If you do not like the sound of your new speakers, the verification process would be to reorient each wire individually until you determine which orientation sounds best.  Otherwise, how will you know you have truly heard what your speakers are capable of.  I have no doubt that completing the Reorientation of Internal-wiring Process for Optimizing Frequency and Fundamentals, or RIP-OFF for short, will give you an entirely new appreciation of the value of information to be learned on audio threads.

I think it should be possible to run redundant wiring in both directions to obviate internal (or external, like perception) issues. WIBD for short, and I think any audio geek worth their salt should rip the wire out of every component they own and reverse it to insure that the proper directionality is in play. Now where the hell IS my soldering iron? Damn...
You guys are somewhat restoring my faith in Audiogon!  Good to hear the silent majority (or maybe minority?) who have been beat down in the name of forum decorum whenever discussion of these "tweaks" come up.  Free or low cost "tweaks" is one thing, but the next step always leads to the high priced "audiophile" versions.  Yes, I haven't tried them.  No, I won't and don't feel bad or hypocritical about it either. 
Esprits4s. Thank you; spoken like a true renegade. Cheers to common sense 
and the ever healthy does of skepticism.