Question about weak link

Hello All,  I just got a bunch of new gear and don't know where to start looking for a problem.  I am no longer hearing very high frequencies, such as bells or chimes in my music, the way I did before my "upgrades.  They sound weaker in volume and veiled in clarity.  I went from acoustic zen satori shotgun cables feeding Martin Logan spires to synergistic research atmosphere level 3 cables feeding Martin Logan Summit X.  I also switched from a Spectron musician amp to a PS Audio BHK 250 amplifier.  I would appreciate any feedback to my question of which of these changed components is likely to have the biggest impact on the reproduction of the highest frequency sounds.

Sorry if this is a simple question; I'm ignorant about electronics but a stickler for sound.
That is the problem when you make so many changes at once. It is hard to say where things went wrong.
So you changed speakers, amps, and cables, and now things sound muted and rolled off?

Are you sure all the cabling is hooked up right? You didn’t hook up anything out of phase?
How long have you had the new gear hooked up? Might just need time for the new components to burn in. 
JMC and Mac offer very good advice. +2

Putting back the old amp first would be my first move after the cables burn in.
Many thanks to all so far.  I got rid of the old amp is one of my problems.  I was wondering about longer burn-in time.  The sound is absolutely glorious, except in that one important area.

Oh poop.
Then, I guess you are limited to waiting for the cables to break in.
How long have you been running them?