Hello all,
I have not heard anything lately about High Definition Blue Ray and HD DVD players.
What is the latest news about them?
When are they expected to be released in the US, and at what prices?
Will they be able to play normal DVD's and perhaps SACD's and DVD-Audio discs as well?
Thanks for your time and answers.
Heres some good news on hi res software pricing
I reread your post;

1. CES- I saw ALL of the Blue Ray demos- including PS3, the blu ray feature pack on what they will do with all of that disk space, and 2 other demos as well. One for the player and one for a presentation of technology. The only stuff that looked any good to me, as far as drastic improvement video wise- was from hard drive loops or small LCD computer monitors.

2. The DTS demo room had tremendous equipment and was demoing their full audio hi rez. It sounded great. The DOlby room was smaller but also sophisticated in what and how they demoed. You werent there and really arent in any position to offer valid input at all. The people setting up those rooms I guarantee you know what they are doing.

3. AS far as your comments on linear lossless audio without DTS and DOlby-- well- you are basically on drugs I presume. DTS and Dolby are responsible for the audio processing technology on Hi Definition DVDs in Hollywood. We will have menus and pick one or the other or probably good ole DTS or Dolby 5.1 and 2 channel just like now. The linear lossless option is such a non-player in this that I am suprised you are bringing that up. And there is talk of copy protecting the audio just like the video so that use of analog connects will not be able to transmit the full rez audio signal. Whether that will be true or not.. I dont know. I also have heard that some players may not allow simultaneous audio via HDMI and other audio outputs. I am guessing this wont be true.

Anyway, I think your post is interesting to read but off the mark abit. AS far as players, we can now see that the hardware side isnt really ready for releases anytime soon as far as optimal hdmi 1.3 chipsets, audio, 1080P source and a host of other facts. Lots of talk and lots of uncertainty.
Rysa......the only way you can even hear any hi res audio on any announced titles so far,is on three BD titles that are using linear audio....and this is a fact.
I don't think your on drugs....just not informed, or up to date.
Only BD has the capacity to have linear audio soundtracks and 1080p.
And I am not saying all BD soundtracks will be linear, just these first three so far.
There is far more info available about all things hd since CES, than there was at CES.

If you do not care about hi res audio soundtracks or the supposed unremarkable difference between hi res video, and sd dvd.....why are you even posting on the matter to begin with?
I only listen to music in two channel also including sa-cd, but movies are the exception to this rule, and I have had way overkill center and surrounds for years now, waiting for a viable reason besides gimmicky sounding sa-cd/dvd-a recordings to use them.
Hi Ears. Actually my posts are on the money with up to date facts and actually, you arent refuting anything I am saying; I am hopeful YOU are getting up to speed.

You can hear Hi Rez audio by the folks that are creating it- DTS-HD and Dolby-HD are the adopted formats. They are the companies that gave the demos. AS well as Blu Ray which I also heard.

For the technical reasons I have explained, there isnt any benefit in most cases to the technical advancements that Dolby-HD offers, because current limits in bitrate transfer arent being reached as is. In most cases, there isnt anything to gain, and nothing is being lost. According to your post- dialog for instance is supposed to sound better with Hi res audio- HUH?? Does that really make sense to you? Dialog is like 70% of the audio info in HT. Its gonna sound the same current DVD soundtracks vs next generation. THE SAME. ANd frankly, pretty much everything else is too. Sound is just SPL against an eardrum. A 16 HZ note through a super sub isnt going to sound better becuase of Hi Rez-- our ears cant discern any difference. Think about it!

I certainly care about advancements in audio and video-- but I am laying out the reality as well based on firsthand experience, which I don't think you have any of!

I have no idea what you mean by gimmicky SACD and DVD-A recordings by the way.

AS far as more info available over the past 30 days, you are right but its mostly about video. I am not aware of any changes in audio codec info? What specifically are you referring to?
The other comment that I have is regarding use of analog outputs for audio. The disk will still have encoded audio signal on it. The DVD player will have to have the firmware to decode the audio information in the player itself before sending the lossless audio signal out the analog outputs. I am not sure that any player can do that. I will wait and see.