@thekong : Comes for more?, no problem this is the rigth place to " enjoy " it:
first I name it both because ( I think ) were the only that heard the 3160 when I returned to their places but FC posted his opinion in the link I posted:
and this is one of his posts on my third USA trip ( second time with him. ) when the 3160 was there:
Yes, I know you can't live with that gentleman opinions. But you can't do nothing about because that's the quality levels of the Essential first version.
Now and first than all my apologies to the gentleman you are talking but I have to " enligth " you " life " and is you whom are mading a damage to him due to your ignorance:
in a meeting there through a listening session with around 8 gentlemans ( one of them a Dagogo's reviewer. ) and making comparisons things were that no one but me took in count that the system owner all tube ( four chasis/boxes. ) phonoline item had a serious fault: its left channel was down around 2db-4db against the rigth channel.
This sole fact can tell you the level of those 8 pairs of golden ears touted by you.
Again sorry to post this again. There are many other issues that I can't disclose here or elsewhere, so please stop to damage other people because you don't know nothing about and I mean it.
Please do what you do the best: teach to other people as you did it with dover.
""" shared you view of tubes being inferior to SS. Even an owner of your phonolinepreamp was (and still is, I believe) using tube amp. """
well, as you read it all those gentlemans including L.Walker were listening the Essential and you know what?:
""" but the Walker table really can expose
any downstream troubles. The synergy between the Walker and the Essential
was overwhelming.
I must say that the sound in that system that day from the sweet spot is one
of the best sounding to my ears that I've heard in 25 years in this hobby.
Without a doubt, the most musical of about 5 times hearing various Kharmas.
Whether listening to classical, jazz or rock, everything sounded balanced
and natural. Dynamics, tonality, transparency, we heard it all. So many toes
were tapping, we looked like an audio-geek chorus line!
About 40-50 members of our audio club were at this demo, spread out over
about 6 hours, so perhaps some others who attended will chime in here with
their impressions. From the reactions I heard, I think many were
dumbfounded, as I was. """
yes, as a chorus line including me. Joe's owner was really enjoy it. I will never forgot all those great people talking each to other on what each one of us like: MUSIC and enjoying it. Who can ask for more?
Regards and enoy the MUSIC not DISTORTIONS,
It's weird that all Essential owners I never meet them and never listened the Essential before bougth it.
first I name it both because ( I think ) were the only that heard the 3160 when I returned to their places but FC posted his opinion in the link I posted:
and this is one of his posts on my third USA trip ( second time with him. ) when the 3160 was there:
Yes, I know you can't live with that gentleman opinions. But you can't do nothing about because that's the quality levels of the Essential first version.
Now and first than all my apologies to the gentleman you are talking but I have to " enligth " you " life " and is you whom are mading a damage to him due to your ignorance:
in a meeting there through a listening session with around 8 gentlemans ( one of them a Dagogo's reviewer. ) and making comparisons things were that no one but me took in count that the system owner all tube ( four chasis/boxes. ) phonoline item had a serious fault: its left channel was down around 2db-4db against the rigth channel.
This sole fact can tell you the level of those 8 pairs of golden ears touted by you.
Again sorry to post this again. There are many other issues that I can't disclose here or elsewhere, so please stop to damage other people because you don't know nothing about and I mean it.
Please do what you do the best: teach to other people as you did it with dover.
""" shared you view of tubes being inferior to SS. Even an owner of your phonolinepreamp was (and still is, I believe) using tube amp. """
well, as you read it all those gentlemans including L.Walker were listening the Essential and you know what?:
""" but the Walker table really can expose
any downstream troubles. The synergy between the Walker and the Essential
was overwhelming.
I must say that the sound in that system that day from the sweet spot is one
of the best sounding to my ears that I've heard in 25 years in this hobby.
Without a doubt, the most musical of about 5 times hearing various Kharmas.
Whether listening to classical, jazz or rock, everything sounded balanced
and natural. Dynamics, tonality, transparency, we heard it all. So many toes
were tapping, we looked like an audio-geek chorus line!
About 40-50 members of our audio club were at this demo, spread out over
about 6 hours, so perhaps some others who attended will chime in here with
their impressions. From the reactions I heard, I think many were
dumbfounded, as I was. """
yes, as a chorus line including me. Joe's owner was really enjoy it. I will never forgot all those great people talking each to other on what each one of us like: MUSIC and enjoying it. Who can ask for more?
Regards and enoy the MUSIC not DISTORTIONS,
It's weird that all Essential owners I never meet them and never listened the Essential before bougth it.