perhaps a gentle push-back....its not completely subjective.....
going back to the OP....i have Bryston 2B ss integrated now, with Dynaudio Contour 1.8 - i spent a lot of time picking the dynaudio over the likes of spendor, totel, thiel, klipsch, sonus, polk, and so on..... and the Bryston 2B was an upgrade purchase to a Myryad so really the english-dutch thing I guess. Anyway the point is, I like the Contour-Bryston combo.
Given the age of my system, and basic inability to really shine in today's digital media (ie thers nothing approaching 24/196 capability), changing the engine (sources and amplification) necessitates changing the vehicle (speakers). So my quest starts by saying....besides dynaudio (the incumbent), who gets compared to dynaudio? and since I am looking at used equipment, listening to these challengers isnt really an option all the time, and given my hectic work schedule and travel, not practical.
I am open minded, and in a different economic place than I was 15 yrs ago when I put the current system together. So budget is to be practical without being excessive, rational (for the quality obtained) without being exuberant or naive. I also dont want to fall into the trap of being penny wise and pound foolish. Ie spending 6k because its 6k when 8k is not that much more but the results are significantly better.
I am intrigued by the additional soundstage from introducing tubes (admittedly a close friend of mine was tube-manic and his excessive or obsessive tube searches was scary so I hid in SS land....but as you may have noted, I am tip toe-ing here with mixed tube-ss suggestions).
I do not have experience with Vandys or with PMC, or with anything tube. So your input / perspectives are interesting and informative (very interested in the "why" you feel the way you do)....and I get that this is heavily dependent on personal taste. I promise not to hold you accountable. :)
With no other guidance I would likely go with something like #7 or #8 above as I would stay with the Dynaudio speaker family and introduce tubes (comforted that being on the used market, the spread between purchase and sale if not to my liking is marginal) and the price point is better than #5 (BAT vs CJ). Insert the Oppo 105 or the NAD M50 / M52 and away we go. Maybe a MF or Rega turntable at some point in the future too....but lets not get ahead of ourselves. hehe.
So - thats my story and I'm sticking to it.....
thanks again for your insights......
and if you havent read that source material in the link above I highly recommend it