Has anyone compared K150 tubes and the stock EL34s in Primaluna integrated/amplifiers?

I have a Primaluna Dialogue HP Premium with stock EL34s.  When the EL34s wear out, which I suspect will be a long time, what would I replace them with?  The KT150 is intriguing to me. 

Has anyone compared these tubes, especially in Primaluna gear?  I'm wondering if I would lose the EL34s midrange in exchange for the increased power of KT150s.  It's hard to find, however, a bad review of anyone using KT150s. 

Thanks all!  

Thanks for the heads up on the KT77 :)  What are the characteristics of the Tungsram?  The Mullards in my system while sounding ok seem to really deaden the sound or its like someone placed a sheet over the speakers. I am speaking of CV4003 NOS Mullards I bought from Kevin at Upscale. Do your speakers tilt to the warm side or cooler side? I have Tyler Acoustics newer Highland series and the tweeter is very revealing without being bright. The rest of the drivers are SEAS.

I do agree the Cifte's have air and separation. Really good tube. I did replace the stock PL AU7's with reissue Tung Sol and they are breaking in but they helped with the upper midrange glare I was getting with some recordings.


The Tungsram have a neutral smooth sound like the Ciftes but more bass and less air.

The NEC Mullard Longplates are more neutral than your classic British Mullard. They were made by NEC in Japan using Mullard parts/tools. Labelled Hewlet Packard. They are really amazing. Some for sale NOS on ebay, seller name I think is Spincards. Very reliable person to do business with. They are probably my favorite 12au7. Great soundstage, nice extension on top and bottom. Mids are glorious

aniwolfe thank you very much for the Mullard and Tungsram advice.I will check out the seller on Ebay. Happy listening.

I'm curious with your opinion concerning GL KT88 vs the KT77. I tried the KT120 and found them a bit glaring. I too, like aniwolfe, am using KT77 with Cifte tubes in my PL Dialogue Premium which sound wonderful. I'm using Cifte in the first 4 slots with the stock PL 12au7 in the last 2 slots. 

Keep us updated with the KT88

Ron I need to listen more to get a good grasp on the GL KT88.  So far they are favorable. Great bass control, top end extension is good with no brightness,  mid-range is nice but I'm trying to find the correct 12AU7 combo. The Cifte is in the front two and reissue Tung Sol in the last 4 slots. I am liking it so far and I will say this. I like the GL KT88 better than the KT150. For some reason the bass is fuller and stronger. YMMV but maybe the amp handles the 88 tube design better than the 150? Kind of shocking and I feel I have several hours on the 150 to get a decent feel for them. Maybe they need more time? Not sure how long most people feel they need, but I think with any tube after 25-50 hours one should get a good opinion or feel of the sonic characteristics.