The Tungsram have a neutral smooth sound like the Ciftes but more bass and less air.
The NEC Mullard Longplates are more neutral than your classic British Mullard. They were made by NEC in Japan using Mullard parts/tools. Labelled Hewlet Packard. They are really amazing. Some for sale NOS on ebay, seller name I think is Spincards. Very reliable person to do business with. They are probably my favorite 12au7. Great soundstage, nice extension on top and bottom. Mids are glorious
The Tungsram have a neutral smooth sound like the Ciftes but more bass and less air.
The NEC Mullard Longplates are more neutral than your classic British Mullard. They were made by NEC in Japan using Mullard parts/tools. Labelled Hewlet Packard. They are really amazing. Some for sale NOS on ebay, seller name I think is Spincards. Very reliable person to do business with. They are probably my favorite 12au7. Great soundstage, nice extension on top and bottom. Mids are glorious