KT-88 vs. EL34

Hi. I have a modified Jolida 502 amp (not my main amp) currently using KT-88s and formerly the similar 6550s. Some have suggested that this unit will sound even better, power hit aside, modifying to accept EL-34s. The mod is easy. Anyone find this to be true or is it just another myth? Thanks in advance, Andy8400.

noromance, yes to both. My question was (is) what is the difference in bias voltage between the EL34 and the 6L6? I found some tube specs through Google and they look close in an AB final with the 6L6 about 90% of the EL34. The problem is, I'm not sure. I would hate to break the connection, but I can always fall back on inserting a milliammeter in series with the cathode and set the grid bias by the current recommended in the 6L6 tube spec. Or... pick a bias voltage below the point where the anodes (plates) start to turn red! Probably not the best idea but it actually could work(!).

sfall, I agree with you conceptually and, as mentioned, I bi-amped my system for some time but for bass control, not for more power. I could use the digital mode with four amps since the difference in sound from pure analog is virtually undetectable. However, I listen to mostly classical music and the complex harmonics from large orchestral music are detectable (barely, but subtly noticeable, nevertheless) when processed through the DSP. As said, I have subsequently maintained control through a graphic equalizer in lieu of bi-amplification.

That's why, getting back to my original OP question, I want to improve and possibly substitute my tube amp and get back to the basics of music enjoyment. Thanks for everyone's reply! Andy8400.


I too have a PLD HP. I have read many posting and Kevin Deal also speaks very positively about using KT150s

That's the tube I am rolling next. 

psickerson what exactly are you looking to gain and are you using the stock EL34?? I have the non HP and rolled in some KT150's.  They are a nice tube and much better than the KT120 but weren't giving me what I wanted or expected.  The Gold Lion KT88 so far is working better and to be honest I think the bass has improved. Your mileage may vary but so far I've been impressed with the GL KT88.
Hi. A final word from the OP... I did end up modifying the bias circuits of the Jolida 502 to replace KT88s with EL34s (essentially making it a 302).

I LOVE the difference in sound, especially for classical music (what I listen to most) particularly how the tube amp handles complex harmonics (think of 30 violins, etc.). The only bad news is that it puts my poor B&K into question. I had assumed any subtle harshness was from my MM cartridge which has replaced my MCs (a topic for another time) but the edginess during difficult passages was significantly reduced so I'm keeping my MM cartridge but switching to the EL34 amp.

For smaller ensembles such as jazz, folk and even rock, the differences between the amps are virtually indiscernible (I installed a switch box and listened to instant, direct comparisons). Bottom line: The EL34 is a terrific tube. Worth the trouble. Thanks for everyone's input above. Andy8400