Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
When Almarg notes he's influenced by the opinions sited here, I think, hey, this isn't the "magic fuses don't do anything" crowd, it's the "I have sensitive ears and spent the money on special fuses and think they work" forum.  Biased? Who knew? I also don't think people here read his posts carefully enough as much of his valid sensibilities that inject technological expertise into the stream are glossed over since he's not a reactionary provocateur like I seem to be. I'd bet my lunch money that blind testing, the silver bullet to mythology vampires, would reveal a lot as far as the Fuser vs Magic Tweak Deniers conversations go. That said:

If a fuse is working properly it doesn’t or can’t have any effect on the sonics of the device. If it’s not working for some reason (manufactured on a Wednesday, utilizing unfortunately moldy beeswax, being disconnected early from a Tesla zillion volt treatment due to a lunch break), I imagine it’s the fuse connection that’s causing the electrons to be bruising their tiny selves by trying to squeeze through ("Imagine" is the key concept in these discussions). Fuses aren’t inherently a "weak" link as even the copper bar analogy (or apparent test) simply implies that the AC gets through to power supplies and other bits to do exactly what it would do anyway. I ain't fallin' for the "obviously better" part, but then I'm afraid to remove my fuses to try it out…don't wanna blow my "class d" rookie system up. This may not make sense to some, but remember, it comes from somebody who doesn’t know what "sweet" treble is…higher calorie? Less squeaky? Old reed on the sax? Old strings on the Telecaster? I can learn much from geoffkait…maybe I should order a bag of magic pebbles. On another note, I'm recommending a recording that sounds Real Good…Jim Campilongo's "Jim Campilongo and Honeyfingers Last Night This Morning." Got it from Jim when I worked with him recently and was blown away at the sonics (and the music) from this 180 gram vinyl version…it has sweet treble…I think...
I have found this to be the most interesting thread in the 16 years of my reading A'gon.  It has had it all.
1. People accusing others of being shills for SR.
2. The only person who I really thought might be a shill ended up being a doctor, who really loves his mom.  And I still wonder about him shill wise.
3. Tons of audiophiles claiming the fuses improve their systems beyond belief without having a clue why.
4. Lots of people wondering if in fact the audiophiles in number 3 above want to be part of something so much that they are imagining changes.
5. The bad bad guy George
6. The medium bad guy who is no longer to be seen here mapman.
7. The really good bad guy Al.
8. The affable ex salesman who started it all (mr papa).
9. An ex NASA guy whose main role other than to discuss wire directionality is not exactly clear.
10.  Bees vs graphene.
11. Highly resolving systems costing megabucks that can make the difference clear versus the obviously cheap systems that cannot.
12. The oft quoted mantra that with the 30 day return policy what do you have to lose.  The antagonist stating that having to go up in fuse amp ratings you probably will lose your house when it burns down.

I hate to say this, but I have to agree with Geoff, it was the back and forth that has made this so interesting.  It is likely that without the dissenters this thread would have dried up long ago.  That is not meant to diminish this excellent thread at all, just that you can only say how great a fuse is so many times in so many ways.

Thanks again Oregonpapa and I hope you see the humor in it.
A fuse is certainly a weak point or limiting portion of the power supply. Try building the whole supply with tiny thin wire the gauge of a fuse and see how she sounds. Yes an exaggerated statement.  Yes it is a weak link right? Can we agree on that? Seems obvious, but perhaps I am too simple minded as I know I am amongst some pretty bright folks on this thread.

I don't buy the argument that the span of wire is too short to make a difference. It does based on actual listening results. Seems this is the exact point of which this entire thread  is debating. 
I nominate Jitter for resident philosopher.

They also serve who only sit and philosophize.


Fuses are exactly the right size to do what they're supposed to do, work perfectly at this in zillions of applications, and "Special Fuses" are the same size as non special fuses, except SRs maybe since they might contain smaller wire that sometimes mysteriously blows.