I need a good Preamp

My current system:
Preamp:           MAC C2300
Amps:              Krell FPB 350mcx mono blocks
Speakers:        B+W 801 Series II

My MAC C2300 just quit working and really I need it in another room to pair with a MAC MC452 once it gets repaired. So, I need suggestions on what will mate up well with my Krells? I would like to spend $8k or less but I would consider going higher. I am thinking a line stage even though I did use the phono on the MAC some. I plan to add a phono amp to my system later. I just play cds with this system. Reading on this forum I sort of lean towards a used ARC 5SE or maybe a Cary SLP05 but I am open to suggestions. There are no audio shops close to me so I will be buying without getting to demo anything. I'm not too knowledgeable on stereo gear so I need some help. Thanks for the responses.
Have you considered the Mcintosh C22? Tube pre can accommodate MM&MC phono, has a Loudness switch for listening at "much softer volumes" (provides a bass boost) and has tone controls for too-bright source material. I'm expecting mine in about a month. P.S. Full retail is $6000.
I've had a FPB 300 and FBP 600 and in your budget, recommends an used VAC SigMKIIa (later upgrade it to SE ... upgrade is SIGNIFICANT).   I didn't realized what POS all my Sonic Frontier preamps were until I demoed a VAC.   

A new VAC Renaissance V SE Preamp is around your budget but I don't have personal experience so can't recommend.  If you have a VAC dealer, worth checking out.

I'm familiar with McIntosh C2200 and recommends rolling the 12ax7a with Telefunken ribbed plates.   McIntosh is not my cup of tea but replacing the cheapo Chinese tubes was a very nice improvement.
dweller, I like the retro look of the C22 but I bet it is pretty similar sounding to the preamp I am wanting to replace, the c2300. I only have two preamps and they are both Mac so I am wanting to go with something else. Good suggestion though. I bet you will love it when you receive yours.

knghifi,  I hear nothing but good things about VAC. That is a preamp I would consider. I wonder if the VAC/Krell are good mates for each other?
knghifi, tell me about FPB300 and the FPB600. How were they different and what did you like/not like about them.  Know how they would compare to my FPB 350mcxs?

Check out the PS Audio BHK preamp. It's well under your budget, sounds great, tube rollers delight and will mate with any amp.