Best $500 System?

I have a good friend who is going through a lot of stress including financial and health and misses her music. Any thoughts on a "system" that would play CD's only all inclusive including speakers and amps new or used that might give her decent quality music in her home? she is sensitive to clean highs and does not need very loud or deep bass.
+1 on the route proposed by returntomusic. A $299 amp/dac is a good start. I have listened owned the Pioneer speakers and they make for a great start within the context of a $500 system. Use any cd/dvd player as transport. Speakers and trnsport can always be upgraded as funds and desire dictates. 
Take a look at the Yamaha MCR - 040 mini system.

It is surprisingly good to start with - but with some simple tweaks it can be made to sound much better...
- install some reasonable speaker cables - small gauge
- replace the power cord

That's it!

I tried several boom boxes for outdoors music, but they all sounded crappy. I then looked at the various "music boxes" like Sonos but was underwhelmed.

Then I found the Yamaha and started with the tweaks above.

The speakers are surprisingly good for this type of unit, but the electronics are very good.

CD's, USB, iPod AND FM Radio

As long as you don't want to play it at really high volumes it is a good sounding unit with nice imaging.

And well within the budget - even with the tweaks

You can always upgrade the speakers later, but I've tried a couple of pairs I had lying around and the ones that came with the unit outperformed them both.

Something to consider :-)
Sorry about the duplicate entry above.
To get a better idea of how good the NuForce DDA-120 is, check out the rave Sound Stage review when it first came out in 2015, at a list price of $699!  (The Absolute Sound recommended it then too at $699, and continues to do so in 2017)
It seems to me that it was NADs de facto lowering of the list price on the D-3020 from $499 to the widely available street price of $399, that started a big price correction in this category (PS Sprout, etc)
NuForce  cut the list for the DDA -120 from $699 to $499. 
The sale at $299 is just crazy good, great time to be a budget audiophile!
A Play Station 1 is a must as your CD player.  Can find one for $20.00.
This gives you $480.00 for an amp, speakers and cables.  I would look for an NAD C320BEE Integrated for around $200.00 used and a set of Q Acoustics 3020 speakers for around $175.00 used.  This still leaves you $105.00 for decent cables.  This would make a great sounding $500.00 system.  Trust me.

I sent my friend thsi thread and she pulled the trigger and is very happy, thanks for the help - here is what she said.

Thanks Joe! I read all the comments and ended up finding a great buy on self-powered speakers by Kliptsch. I used them in the workshop yesterday and the worked great. And the sound fabulous in the house! Please tell everyone thanks so much for the excellent education and guidance. I looked for the Yamaha mct 040 but no one had one within 250 miles.

The speakers were on clearance with HHG and came with a Kliptsch phonograph. It needs a new needle (maybe needle assembly). Do you want it? We don’t have vinyl any more.