Graphene spray and ...

Graphene film is here and I feel potentially incredibly interesting for our hobby.
Magico is coating their 7.5 inch speaker with graphene. Does anyone know 
what method they use?
Thanks almarg.
If new graphene technology can make our 
preamp,amp and digital equipment 'faster' I think 'cleaner' signals will be the result; giving us better sound.
Mmeysaroch. Very interesting. I think distortion reduction and the extended
frequency response w/o breakup would be terrific benefits. Luckily there's so much research going on I think we'll get products fairly soon (not the current products that advertise graphene but are probably using plain old graphite ; as there's no explanation about their manufacturing processes-which have to be discussed to be believed).
SR and Magico are investing R&D into graphene because it may have a solid future in our hobby. Graphene fuses provided a tremendous improvement in my system. I'm sure the graphene speakers sound great as well. It's only of matter of time until graphene capacitors hit the market. 
Non of these little companies can do research on graphene.
When it's available in a form they can use,they will.