Synergistic Research Galileo LE vs CTS

Any thoughts on how Synergistic Research Galileo LE speaker cables compare to CTS?
Thank you. Can you describe in what ways? My biggest concern is that the Galileo LE might be great, but a little dark in character.
As the Galileo LE ships with a choice of UEF tuning bullets you can tailor the sound as needed. Two greys will sound "dark" but a mix of one grey and one silver or two silvers will be much more open.  I started with the grey/silver and moved on to two silvers as I improved my system. 

The LE also responds very well to upgrading the power via a transporter. The CTS is no comparison so if you can afford the LE go for it especially as there are many available at present. My experience choosing the LE over Odin v1 and WEL is on record in other threads 

I was reading the 2017 Editor's Choice Awards from The Absolute Sound. Jonathan Valin was commenting on the new Galileo UEF wires. To quote, " More importantly the UEF marks a dramatic shift in sonics coming far far closer to neutral in balance than the darker sounding originals without sacrificing any of the speed, color, resolution or power range solidity that SR is famous for." That statement made me question how dark, if so, the Galileo LE are.