Best full range loudspeaker for the used price of 10 to 13,000 dollars

I've been very happy with my Reference 3A Grand Veenas for quite a few years now,what did I like about them?
Well first off they are a critically acclaimed product not an unknown
Secondly I thought the parts matched the price I agreed with the value
Third they sounded like I'd read they would ,and just as they looked like they would .Full range, disappeared completely,easy to understand midrange and easy to drive.
I'm ready to take a step forward now,these will be set up in my main living space(no wife)so they must be valuable. I would like a beautiful sonic asset to live with,Dazzle me!
I am in a similar boat george99sa, as I also own a pair of the Grand Veenas.
Terrific speakers, especially for their price. 
I have upgraded everything else in my system besides the speakers.
I have looked and listened, but I'm not sure that I can do better overall in the $10-$15K range.
Perhaps better in some areas, but I would think that overall it may be a sideways move.

That said, the one that does intrigue me the most is the DeVore Gibbon X.
Well jmcgrogan2 I agree the G Veenas will be a hard act to follow but I wondered about the Crescendo 2s or Amati Futura, Eidolon diamonds.I do like Maggies and quads but will dominate my space.Yes I decided to smack a REL S2 sub underneath and lay low a little longer.
By the way EAR 912,BHK 250,SP10 MK2a, Clearaudio Goldfinger/AirTightPC1 Graham Phantom2 Peachtree dac Macbook pro connected with Nordost. 
We have a demo pair  of the awesome KEF Blades for $15k huge sound stage, room filling bass, they play loud and are very transparent.

Audio Doctor
877 428 2873
If you don't mind independent dealers then Salk, Selah and Daedalus all make fine speakers in your price range.