rfogel8, Thanks for your advice but I would also need to ''trade in''
40 of my MC carts, 30 MM carts and my Kuzma Stabi Reference
in order to satisfy your advice. You started this thread with your
question about Triplanar. My question is also about Triplanar.
Your statement: ''this thread sure got weird'' can only mean that
you don't like my question and the possible implication. ''Possible''
because my statement is about my own sample and does as
such not imply that other samples also can't track more than 50
microns. But if this is also the case with other samples ???
Syntax is the only member who questioned Triplanar's construction
in the other Triplanar thread. According to him the problem with
Triplanar is its ''energy transfer''. Herb Papier was a watchmaker
and not a mechanical engineer. So it may be the case that he deed
not even thought about ''energy transfer'' as a relevant design
issue. That my Triplanar skips the groove by 60 microns may be
connected with this ''energy transfer'' but also may mean that
my sample is a single exception and that all other samples can
track 100 microns if the used cart also can.
That you don't like my contribution does not imply that my
question is irrelevant. Also the fact that most participants in
this thread don't own or don't use any test records says something
about them and not about the records themself. Every cart producer
use test records for at least the measuring of the output as well
the tracking capability of their carts. Interesting to know that our
amateur members know better.