Good match for Anthem AVM 30

I am making my first leap into separates and could use a little advice. I found a good deal on an Anthem AVM 30 and am looking for a good 5 channel match (prefer a good used piece from an Agoner). The obvious choice would be an Anthem A5, but I am also interested in the Parasound A51, the Rotel 1095, and possibly an ATI amp. It seems like the Rotel and ATI would offer the best bang for the buck, but I am sure some would say that I would be better off getting the Parasound or Anthem. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. My setup (might help things) is as follows: the Anthem AVM 30, Polk LS 90 towers (early 90's product), Polk CS 350, and Polk M3 Monitors. No sub at this time but I believe I am going to pull the trigger on a SVS sub (PB 12-Plus) or a REL R305 or R505 (any opinions on subs would help as well). Video is Sony SRXD 55" DLP and Sharp Aquos BD HP20 (blueray). Straight plug n play (HDMI) from blueray to monitor. No HDMI upgrade work on the AVM 30 yet. The room is 20x22x8, two doors and no open air spaces. Again, any helpful advice would be greatly appreciated.

Many people will claim there is a big difference. I say, not really. Sure Ive heard some that give me greater pleasure to listen to, but they are all good choices mentioned here. Id get the A5. Anthem is very solid. You can get a Bryston st for about the same price used if you can live with the 150 x 5 power rating. I know I personally dont need a million watts like some do.

Ive owned some seriously high dollar gear, such as a all Ayre acoustics system with all class components. The Anthem is easily as good as they were, and more fun and flexible as well! Sure, the Ayre was smoother and warmer, then anthem brighter and upfront. One is not better then the other, just different. Rotel is nice, I had a 1095, 1068 setup once also. It was real good for the money, but all in all I would just buy a Denon. The 1068 had some popping issues for me when I changed inputs, or the DAC's changed modes. The sound was very bright, and slightly harsh sounding to me,but still was enjoyable.

The Anthem was a strong choice you made, Id stay with Anthem products. They are top rate!
When I purchase my amp, how much difference will I hear (if any) between balanced and unbalanced interconnects? Would it be a significant difference to be concerned with purchasing balanced interconnects right up front or would traditional RCA innerconnects suffice?


I dont think you will hear any difference so to speak. I think its what you wont hear on longer runs, noise. That being said, I use balanced connections on everything just because they are there, so why not use them. Specially when I find I prefer a top Canare/nuetrik combo over anything else Ive ever heard. It doesnt seam to play with the signal, adding or subtracting a certain tone.