I’m not an expert in the technical language or the exact descriptors, so my descriptions will be fraught with errors, misconveyed meaning, etc.. But the shape of the issue or considerations involved in this, can be seen. Look at the what is outlined, not at the technical language couching issues.
I apologize for not being perfect. (non-emoted statement, nothing intended) I’m trying to show that...the reality of what digital audio as a world of music and life in general is.. that this question and answer can be seen as a part of a story that is much greater. That this music scenario is just a symptom, a sign, etc.
When genetic testing costs and associated factors began to drop to the levels it is at today, scientists could embark on these more detailed and complex questions, with some form of answer now being possible to emerge.
IIRC, they may have started with stressing populations of mice. And then doing genetic testing generationally, and correlating back to the complex social behaviors in these captive populations.
They found all the correlation they thought they might, in human populations that have undergone much stressing, regarding upheaval and change.
Never mind things like the idea of a viral injection into a group as a vehicle for genetic shifting, or choosing genetics of a child, and so on...which are already strong possibilities and even realities... with today’s known science. That’s a totally separate question that can be included as backdrop addition, but likely not suitable for this forum.
That can of worms being opened has also shown this far faster shift in humans via environment, which is connected to the music in a visceral fashion. Eg, we’ve recently found via the sciences, that humans seem to process music in the same part of the brain we process and deal with sex. Which is core. As core as it gets. Total reptile base level stuff.
Which helps explain the issues that erupt on audio forums like this. The reptile brain takes over and disarms and defeats the so called consciousness aspects of the human. After all, that’s it’s job. Consciousness is a privilege or aspect of a complex social/environmental scene, it is not a core requirement for species survival.
Just to be clear, this is the Ken Hotte portion of Teo Audio, not Taras. So if you encounter Taras at a show... this little conversational bit is mine, not his. ;)
I apologize for not being perfect. (non-emoted statement, nothing intended) I’m trying to show that...the reality of what digital audio as a world of music and life in general is.. that this question and answer can be seen as a part of a story that is much greater. That this music scenario is just a symptom, a sign, etc.
When genetic testing costs and associated factors began to drop to the levels it is at today, scientists could embark on these more detailed and complex questions, with some form of answer now being possible to emerge.
IIRC, they may have started with stressing populations of mice. And then doing genetic testing generationally, and correlating back to the complex social behaviors in these captive populations.
They found all the correlation they thought they might, in human populations that have undergone much stressing, regarding upheaval and change.
Never mind things like the idea of a viral injection into a group as a vehicle for genetic shifting, or choosing genetics of a child, and so on...which are already strong possibilities and even realities... with today’s known science. That’s a totally separate question that can be included as backdrop addition, but likely not suitable for this forum.
That can of worms being opened has also shown this far faster shift in humans via environment, which is connected to the music in a visceral fashion. Eg, we’ve recently found via the sciences, that humans seem to process music in the same part of the brain we process and deal with sex. Which is core. As core as it gets. Total reptile base level stuff.
Which helps explain the issues that erupt on audio forums like this. The reptile brain takes over and disarms and defeats the so called consciousness aspects of the human. After all, that’s it’s job. Consciousness is a privilege or aspect of a complex social/environmental scene, it is not a core requirement for species survival.
Just to be clear, this is the Ken Hotte portion of Teo Audio, not Taras. So if you encounter Taras at a show... this little conversational bit is mine, not his. ;)