Very interesting point about switching frequencies… What is the acceptable switching friequency range is targeted by the pundits?Below is a quote from George from the Class D technology thread.
The day will come when Class D will compete and very well be better than any linear amps tube,s/s, class A, AB or whatever, BUT!!
Class D needs much higher switching frequency (needs to be at least 5 x higher) technology isn't there yet but in the future it will come, only then will ClassD become a contender. Till then good for budget hifi and subwoofer/bass amps.
Technics has progress the Class D race and developed 2 x the present switching frequency with their own made components, in this amp but it’s very expensive $20-30k
When the switching frequency is 3mhz or better, then it can be called hi-end, and will own it myself, then my linear heavy boat anchors will be sold or become door stops.
Cheers George