How often do you clean cables? And which types do you clean most often?

So, how often do you clean your cables? Such as with Deoxit or other cleaning solution?
- weekly?
- monthly?
- annually?
- other?
- never?

And do some types of cables benefit more than others from cleaning? I'm thinking analog cables such as interconnects and speaker cables might need cleaning more often than digital cables such as coax and USB. What's your experience here?

Also, when you clean cables, do you also clean the connectors on the units? Such as RCA or speaker outputs and inputs?

Lastly, for now, I mentioned Deoxit among cleaning solutions. If you do clean cables, what are your favorite products and why?

Dave, who also wonders if cleaning matters less or is simply more difficult with XLR jacks and connectors
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When I was a kid I was told by friends that if a dog licks a wound it will heal faster. I asked my physician father if that was true. He replied "and pig sh#t is even better!" So perhaps we should get some pig feces and dip our cables in it!
Hi I think the cleaning of cabels,  and all other pfysical contacts by removing oxidations, depends on the invioment they are placed in and the metal the contacts are made of.
The best i have tried so far is defnatly the Swiss Audiotop set. But its expensive. After removing and cleaning the oxidation in 2 processes a third liquid is doing some kind of  preservation.
After this it actually takes about a week before the system is up running full again, so it has to be burned in somehow.
Every time i do, i am amased how well it works. I live on the country side with almost no poluting industries near by but some poulution of ammonia in the air. I try to do it once a year but the tubesoclets and fuses only gets a treatmen every second or third year. Its a huge job but i am very well rewarded and it gives me a good feeling when i maintaine the system to a higher level.
A lasy friend of mine had never done it and when finaly did it, the result was fantastic. Some of his silver plugs were almost black.
Nice lisining.
I will also unplug and reconnect all cables. It's just enough to remove oxidation. Big bump up in sound.