I need a good Preamp

My current system:
Preamp:           MAC C2300
Amps:              Krell FPB 350mcx mono blocks
Speakers:        B+W 801 Series II

My MAC C2300 just quit working and really I need it in another room to pair with a MAC MC452 once it gets repaired. So, I need suggestions on what will mate up well with my Krells? I would like to spend $8k or less but I would consider going higher. I am thinking a line stage even though I did use the phono on the MAC some. I plan to add a phono amp to my system later. I just play cds with this system. Reading on this forum I sort of lean towards a used ARC 5SE or maybe a Cary SLP05 but I am open to suggestions. There are no audio shops close to me so I will be buying without getting to demo anything. I'm not too knowledgeable on stereo gear so I need some help. Thanks for the responses.
I have not heard one yet,  but the PS Audio BHK preamp is the only one on my wish list.  I currently run the BHK amp, and use PS Audio's DSD DAC and their new DMP player, so i am a PS guy for sure.  great stuff for the money,  made in the USA,  and their customer service is awesome.
@mechans , @wemfan ,
The Atma-Sphere 6SN7 based preamp (UV-1) does offer MM or MC as an option. Its sonics are like a great classic tube preamp, but it’s single-ended, so I recommended the balanced units due to the design of your Krell monoblocks.
I don’t own any PS Audio gear except one of their power cables. I have been over to their headquarters for a tour. Nice people and I bet they are up to answering any questions you have. Here is a review of the PS Audio $6K offering. http://www.soundstagehifi.com/index.php/equipment-reviews/1028-ps-audio-bhk-signature-preamplifier

PS might let you do a buy/try.

I do own a Rogue Audio RP-1 and I am very happy with the product and there are a bunch of reviews on this product out there as well as the RP-5. The RP -7 is their flagship Pre and If you give them a call I bet they might let you do a trial on the unit. The RP -5 got some great reviews as well.


I really like the way the RP-1 softened up and breathed life into my class D rotel amp and B&W foor standing speakers.
I have been into Audio for over 40 years and have had every type of preamp 
Out their. The Best I havd found similar to a SET amplifier for only ond stage purity
Is a Direct Heated Triode Preamplifier.  The sonic purity is second to none .
Also when buying commercial built products if you are lucky.just 25% of thd 
Product is the cost to build it a $10k preamp maybe $2-k in parts at best yhe rest overhead ,45-50% dealer markup.
I went yo Audio engineer Radu Tarta,  he built me  a fantastic Dual mono 
Pass labs F6 , then this Fantastic DHT preamp . I get to choose options 
On every level . For example look at your power supplies no name average after best. In hear Lundahl from  Sweden, plus chokes for further filtering  4 pole capaciyors Mundorf or Jensen in the power supply, single chassis or 2 box seperate power supply and still much less money then a commercial unit 
And put it to shame in brand name parts quality. Unless you have tried a DHT preamp in uour system you have not heard it's potential at its purest.
I am having another one built look at even the volume control I have thd Latest Khozmo with remote the ball bearing action ,most gave thd pathetic Alps blue velves you loose a lot of purity evrn through the volume. Slagle transformer volume a little better still but $1-k  ,I took the Khozmo at $400 just an example
Of possibilities and options.  The Only possible down side is if your speakers are 
Super efficient, or some amplifiers gain too high  , thd majority  of equipmrnt 
Are fine. We'll worth inquiring ,.if looking for a fantastic pre with  quality remote 
For $2-k the  fantastic tube 4P1L    Vacuum Tube and name of preamp model.