Newbie looking for amplifier advice


After much painful research, I decided to purchase a Ryan R610. I heard Sonus Faber, Dynaudio, Magnepan etc but decided that a bookshelf is the best fit for my apartment living room.  

Room is 19x12x8 with carpeted floor and huge glass window. I have been advised Belles Aria but wondering if there is a DAC integrated around $2500 which can match this amp.

Specifically, the Parasound Halo catches my attention but am concerned about DAC longevity and have been hinted that Parasound isn't such a value for money as, say, Emotiva. 

Anyone run a Ryan/Belles combination? 
I have the Bluesound Node 2 for streaming and like it a lot. Also considered the Auralic mini as the other option but went with the Node 2. I'm not aware of any devices out there that only stream music and don't have a built in DAC. It has a coax out that I suppose can be used to connect to an external DAC.
Funny as I heard the Bluesound 2 today also and feel that one of those and the Codex is a nice sound.  It really sounded great and looked good.
Andysingh, It's been 4 months.
Have you made a decision? How did it turn out?
I am seriously considering the Belles! But then I couldn't give a crap about streaming. ;^)
The Belles is outstanding.  I've heard their integrated and separates. If I was in that price range, They'd be on the shortest of lists for me.  When played with the Vandersteen's it's a great combination for sure.  The timber, timing, depth of soundstage, detail etc... all come shining through.  They mate well with most speakers as they have a good amount of power and drive to them. Very neutral amps.  
I haven't made my purchase yet as I haven't been able to save the money.

I am am going to stick to streaming or audio CD because a lot of new vinyl is being pressed with digital masters. 

Unless one enjoys the ritual of playing a record, and the cover art, I don't personally see the point of vinyl. I can only afford digital for the foreseeable future