Current NAD integrated amps, what are your impressions?

I just picked up a C326BEE and wanted to hear if my results are common, or what the general consensus is for NAD. I did some searching on this forum, but there doesn’t seem to be a lot of love or threads directed at NAD.

I actually acquired a C372 about 3 years ago, but sold it within a year as it seemed pretty bland and laid back. I’ve heard that this vintage wasn’t as reliable and my remote control did die. When I shipped it to the buyer it showed up DOA in one channel! I helped him with the repairs but it left me with reservations regarding NAD. From what I can gather, the current models are much more reliable.

So Spearit sound is clearing out refurbished NAD components, and I couldn’t resist the price(no affiliation). Bottom line, the 326 sounds way better than I expected. I’d been using a Denon AVR3801 in 2 channel with a second system, and the imaging, clarity and punch is easily better with the 326. I’m driving Tannoy DC4 bookshelf speakers and what a soundstage!. Diana Krall tracks are recorded with the piano mic’d so the lower register starts in the left speaker and the highest notes in the right. I’d not heard that with the Denon, but the 326 sets it out so clearly.

So what has your experience been with NAD?
Mesch, are you able to see if your stock Nad power cable is 18 gauge?  It's imprinted on the cable itself, along with various voltage and temperature ratings.

As for the PS Audio AC-5, here's round one, at about 87 hours in.  In direct comparison with the 18 gauge stock power cord, I could only detect minor differences.  This was at moderate volume levels with a mid grade Pioneer cd player as source.  

Music was Dianna Krall's All For You cd, using a couple of the quieter tracks.  I could hear the absence of a ringing type sound on the piano notes with the AC5.  And it's not like with the stock cord I was hearing  ringing noise, but just noticed none by comparison with the AC5.  Also, the background was quieter.  Inky black is the phrase people like to use I think, and it wasn't a huge difference by any means.  Just notable.

I didn't have a lot of time, perhaps I'll dig deeper tomorrow.  But frankly I'm not super impressed to be honest.  My bias was to hear the angels singing, and they weren't even humming.  I should note that I've read that the PS cables need 300 hours, though I have no idea if that's true.  Just reporting the facts.
213runnin, The one that came with my 356BEE is 18GA. It wasn't in the original packaging so may not have been the original. I never used the one that came with the 326BEE as I have other after market cables. I have the 326BEE and original cable double boxed up for shipment as I have that integrated up for sale. I believe it is similar to the one that came with the 356. Mostly I use Pangea AC14 with the NADs and all source electronics. I use the AC9 on my BEL 1001 power amp in my primary system.

I am not one to spend a great deal on power cables. However I feel that the Pangea cables can be had at a price point that it makes sense to use them over the far poorer quality cables that come with most electronics. I confess that I also find the sonic difference between these cables to be subtle, however real (Pangea vs. stock).  

I've owned the NAD C375BEE for almost 5 years. It's very enjoyable, underrated integrated, that allows continuous listening for hours on end. The bass is terrific; the amp is lively. I have auditioned other integrated amps at higher price points to see what I might be leaving behind. I haven't heard anything yet that I have liked as much as the 375BEE. I'm currently using PSB Imagine T speakers with 2 REL-328 subs. I'm headed to AXPONA 2017 to listen to several different speakers, and if after visiting Chicago I decide to change speaker directions I might make a more determined effort to see what else challenges the 375BEE's current hold on my listening affection. Having said that, I recently auditioned Vandersteen Treos and PSB T3s on the same day with the same source playing the same varied musical selections, both driven with the 375BEE. IMO, using the 375BEE, the PSB T3s buried the Vandersteen Treos when measuring the overall ability to provide non-fatiguing sound quality across wide musical  genres. 
Mesch I guess my cable results mirror yours. The Nad is now throwing up a soundstage with depth, and it’s as if there are no speakers. Good source material is the best, with the Nad C565BEE spinner. Seriously, it’s better than anything I could achieve with the old Parasound gear, although the new smaller room surely has something to do with it.  But last week when I turned it on after a few days off, it had harsh sounding highs that really threw me.  I guess the power cable is still settling in?

Astewart, I’m with you on the 375! I really think you have to spend serious amounts to get notable improvements. It responds to better cables, and stays composed when pushed. It’s a keeper.
Yes the soundstage on the NADs is one attribute I like about these amps. The harshness may more be due to the CD player not being warmed up.