CDP recommendation for Creek Classic 5350se

Hey all,
I need some recommendations on a CDP. I posted yesterday for feedback on a Yamaha CD-S700 but didn't get much traction on that post.

I'm currently using the 5350se with Neat Motive 3 speakers. Most of the time I listen to FLAC from my PC through a MF VDAC2.
But now that I've got lots of CD's I would like to listen to them occasionally on a dedicated CDP.
In the meanwhile I have an Arcam DV135. It's a decent CDP, but I'm wondering if a dedicated unit would be better.
The Creek's are obvious recommendations.. CD53, or Classic CD, EVO, EVO2, EVO 50a....
I haven't heard any, and they don't come up often on the used boards, so not sure how the newer EVO match with the "older" 5350se.
Another option is an Arcam.. but again, which? There are CD17, 72, 73, 23, 192 ....

Anything else come to mind?
While this thread isn't that old (~5months) my system has went through alot of changes since.
I ended up buying a Creek Destiny CDP which upon arrival had busted caps. I recapped it and while it was good, it wasn't as good as I'd expected for a top of the line CDP. (I was also never sure if the busted cap may have lead to some sort of damage). For example, it wasn't significantly better than a basic hrt microStreamer DAC.
This lead for a system overhaul where I replaced my speakers to PMC DB1i (super happy about these) and then I sold the CDP and bought PS Audio Nuwave DSD DAC.

I eventually replaced the Creek ammp although that was the least significant improvement (if any at all) and I still think it is an amazing amp. In hindsight I may have just held on to it.

Not from personal experience but the NAD should be a super combo with it.
Please update on your findings
The Creek Classic 5350SE took about 2 weeks to open up. I was surprised by that. I thought it just wasn't as good as my Rotel for a long time. It finally surpassed the Rotel; but by that time my heart had been stolen by the Belles Aria. So the Creek is going back as soon as I get a reply from the eBay seller. During the last days with the Creek at it's best there was quite a difference between the NAD C546BEE and the Oppo BDP-95 on redbook CDs, with the NAD edging out the Oppo by virtue of smoothness and musicality. Unfortunately, keeping them both is a luxury I will no longer be able to afford if I want that Aria any time soon, so I'll be posting it in the near future.

In the meantime my interest has been piqued by a Krell S-300i that I could get for about $700 less than the Aria; but no chance of an audition first. Has anyone had the good fortune to have heard them both...or their close relatives?
If still looking for a CD spinner, why not get the Cambridge tansport to play into your DAC? Cost is less than $500.