Denon DVD-2910 excessive vibration?

I was wondering if it is normal for the Denon 2910 to vibrate with authority? While playing CDs the vibration starts out strong on track 1 and then slowly diminishes with each track to nothing by the time the CD is over. I can't imagine the vibration is good for sound qualty.
I would not argue that Theduke's player does not have a problem. Or that others who have posted describing their issues with their players may not actually have mechanical problems. I am just describing the experience that I had with my player. I find that 3 or 4 of my CDs consistantly vibrate. I made copies of a couple of them and the copies don't vibrate at all. DVDs don't vibrate nor do my SACDs. This dosn't change if the player is cold or warm or how many CDs I have played before. So I put out the theory that it may be the disks being out of balance that is causing it. The mscience article I mentioned above seems to support that.
When shopping for a player a year ago, I tried the Denon in the store. It vibrated so badly, I thought it was going to jump off the shelf. I passed it by. Wound up with a Daewoo for 50 clams. It does everything well.
Just bought a new 2910.
It started whining (high pitched sound) on track three.
The noise, a mechanical resonance, lasted about two minutes.
The whine really stood out whenever the music had a similar frequency (a glaring distortion).
I tried putting some sorbothane pucks on the player but it didn't help.
It was late night listening (low volume) which may be why I noticed.
Thinking I may have to return this pup...
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Can anyone tell me why I can't access DVD subtitles on my new 2910?
The option is "grayed out" on the menu indicating unavailability.
I'm using HDMI connection -Is this why?
I've searched all menus but no subtitles.
Also, manual isn't very helpful.

I've had the player less than a week and its performance
isn't impressing me much.
Slo-mo forward and reverse is very jerky compared to Sony.
It has 12-bit video processing which shaped my expectations upward.
Also, unit has a problem remembering where to resume when turned back on (playback point selected randomly).

'Till now, I've only used Sony products for DVD.
Did I make a mistake going with Denon?