Best way to set gain

My new system consist of Accuphase; A-70 x2, C-2850, DP-720, DG-58, with ASLC-15 x4, and AHDL-15 x2 front end. With Martin Logan; Renaissance ESL 15A, Sony; HAP-Z1ES and Torus RM 75Bal. My question to members is what is the best way to set the gains on the amp and preamp. Which is to say should one set one high the other low such that at mid volume setting is at the level I would normally listen to. Or should one just choose settings that do not over drive the amp when at max volume. In which case should one just select gain settings the same on both units that will not overdrive amp. Opinions welcome.  
Yes would have thought more swing if you will, less constrained, more dynamic. Your thoughts on best way to break-in new system. Loud and hard or slow and easy. Still liked what tecknik had to say and I thank you yogiboy for your post.
Thanks yogiboy guess the neighbors will be seeing and hearing less of me, how sad for them, and they will be hearing more of their Harmon & Cardboard LOL.
The Accuphase well take 600 hours to break in, its a slow painful journey but between 500 & 600 is when you start to say WOW. I used CasCade burn in about 250 of those hours and let it run 24/7 mostly and then started turning off the preamp a half dozen times to let the caps expand which helped. Accuphase recommends the pre at 18 db & amp at full gain so its up to you on which gains sounds good and the knob at which position to accomplish this. The AVAA is very good and its not a digital so having it at noon to hear more swing so to speak would make no difference.
Check out AA they have a whole section of Accuphase devotees where you can learn more about your Accuphase components.

Thanks tecknik this is about the same time as I have heard for the ESL 15As. Little confused by stating "turn off to let caps expand", seams to me turning off they would contract. Unless you meant to let them cycle, meaning expand and contract several times. As for the Accuphase fallowing this is the primary reason for my selection. I had the chance to make an all in one purchase thanks to the unexpected guests that came calling well I was away a year back. I will miss my Ref. Marantz and CLX's, but sure to be happier in months to come.

 As all was special order did not have chance to pre hear. Had trouble to get Distributer to bring in Acc. cables as not available hear, as all had to come from Japan direct so they made exception. In fact my retailer became Acc. dealer to get me what I wanted. Have you had the cables in your Acc. system, or what are you using.

 I went with Audioquest Redwoods for speakers. I just figured all in one house was a good starting point. This plus some German reviews with same cables. Only thing I did not go with the  Acc. PS-1220, but got the RM-75Bal at RM-45Bal price, had to wire for #6 AWG. Major over kill (this unit belongs in triple Cima-Plex theater) but sure not to be lacking on the current side of things, lots of balls.

As for swing I was more or less referring to not using compensator as one would at lower volumes. Giving a broader full range swing in bottom end. But I guess this has more to do with the human ear as a pose to signal. As such will still add some compensation for a while to help loosen up the woofers sooner. At this time still on the fence as to if I will prefer the bottom end over my previous CLX, Descent I set-up. At any rate thanks again for your writings.