Amateur inherited an audio system...

Recently I've inherited an audio system. I have no idea of what they are, I have never heard any of the brand names before, but upon checking on the internet I've found out they are somewhat high quality units. It consisted of Meridian 506 CD Player, Forte Forty-Four Pre-amp, Forte Fifty-Five Amp, Velodyne Sub and a pair of Rogers LS3/5A speakers. Some friend suggested I check out, but as far as I can see most of the stuff are WAY over my head. Now that I found out about their value, my girlfriend is pressuring me to sell it, my question is.. Should I keep the system or sell it? It sounds very nice but my girlfriend keeps saying I don't need anything this fancy. Also, if I am going to sell it, is it better selling it as a system or piece-by-piece? Is eBay good for something like this? Any idea will be appreciated. Sorry for being so shallow, I really don't know much about high end audio... Thank you very much in advance.
If your so inclined,tell us what city you are in,and maybe an a,gon member can come over and set up this nice system for you ,or at least do a little research on speaker positioning ,if youd like to get the best sound from your system,this would be a fairly simple way to get good results!As youve probably noticed,we love this stuff,so feel free to ask any questions!!Or you can search the archives.We can also offer advice on girlfriends,,,,,,but cannot be held responsible for results concerning this////
Raycc, the people here on Audiogon are died in the wool audio fanatics. They really do mean well when as a group they tell you to keep the system. By audiophile standards it's a very nice system, but that doesn't mean it's a good system for you. You should ask youself the following questions:

- how many CDs do I have?

- when I listen is it the primary focus, or is the music background entertainment?

- will I set the speakers up properly for best sound and will I sit in the "sweet spot"?

If you don't have many CDs (say under 100), you primarily listen to music as a background activity and you'll position the speakers for where they look best while listening from another room, then you probably are better off selling the system and using the money for something else.
wow man your girlfriend sound's like a real kill joy not to mention she keep's telling you to sell something that you inherited.

my thought's are regardless of the value of the gear somebody thought enough of you to leave you something that was obviuosly a very personal possesion to them,music is very personal to alot of people in this hobby & so is the gear they use to play it on & it just seem's like a cold thing to do.

i hope my kid's atleast keep my gear & bike's when i take the big dirt nap.
Keep the system, and get rid of the girlfriend! In the long run, you'll be much better off financially and emotionally!