AXPONA 2017 Protocol

I need some wisdom from this community. I'm attending AXPONA for the first time on Saturday, April 22. I specifically want to hear a selection of certain speakers in order to narrow down what I plan on auditioning in my home. So, is it encouraged or frowned upon to bring a USB with various musical selections on it and ask for the USB to play through the systems being demonstrated? Also do any serious price negotiations occur at AXPONA, or is that expected to happen at a later time in a more private setting? Finally, I would appreciate hearing from veteran attenders the absolute one thing I must experience on my one and only day and also the one thing I should not waste my time with at the show.
I look forward to your insights and advice.   
Ag insider logo xs@2xastewart8944
Come as early as you can, 2 hours of listening then lunch, you can go to market place while trying to digest the food, then back to listening, one day is not enough, last year after I went to Elac room, I went to Technics room, I spend 1 hour each, I end up buying Elac b6, and Technics sb700 speakers,It's really fun,This Year I would concentrate on cables, and digital.Trust me go there with an open mind, you will enjoy it..,, I listen to a lot of systems and I learned a lot...
This is a crazy idea, what if we put our moniker name here at audiogon as name tag? Like Milpai, jayctoy, astewary8944, fun or no? So we can identify Agon posters.
I'm a three year, three day Axpona attendee. I will be there again this year. As to playing your music, as was said above, it's kinda hit or miss. Some rooms do encourage it. A few just plain don't. It seems that most depend on who's in the room. Early or late in the day. Crowded or maybe you get them when they're not so busy. Definitely bring your stuff and just ask.
  Working deals in the rooms doesn't really happen....unless it's a local store. They might tell you to come and see them and they'll work with you. What I do know is that much of the demo equipment is for sale at a discount. Many of the reps would rather sell the stuff instead of paying to have it shipped home. I bought some equipment that way. If you are interested in that you have to remember, in most cases, that piece will have to stay there untill the end of the show. You would then have to pick it up or arrange to have it shipped to you.
     As a one day attendee that is looking for something specific I would go to the Axpona websight and make a list of all the products you really want to see. This year they're listing alot more of what will be in the rooms. Then maybe start downstairs and work your way to the top, seeing everything you marked off. Make a note of everything that stood out and then work your way down checking out those special rooms again. If time allows your then able to take in some other rooms or even go back to rooms that you really are intersted in.
@jayctoy I like the name tag idea...although I have protested name tags my whole life. I will put Astewart8944 on mine. I always like meeting folks face to face.