Best "laid-back" speaker cable & interconnects for all Naim system?

Looking for suggestions on speaker cable and interconnects that are both laid-back and warm, but have excellent low bass response, depth and punch.

Just got a used Nait 5i (with NACA5’s) and have been listening over the past week. Rest of my gear is a Naim CD3.5 and Vandersteen 2C’s.

OMG, are these NACA5’s harsh and flat or what! Anyone else experience this? I think I have all mids and nothing in the highs and lows. No don’t get me wrong, there is some bass punch, but not like my previous Creek 5350SE and 4330SE.

To balance everything out, I either need to resell the Nait and get an integrated that is more laid-back with excellent low bass response and punch (like the 4330SE... yes, I miss her) or try and find the equivalent in speaker cables and interconnects? If that is even possible? 
" I agree... I think the issue is the amp. It wasn't an issue when I had the 4330SE, and things only changed when I introduced the 5i. Not that the 5i is awful... hardly. Just isn't the right fit. "

I think I can give you some info that may help. Most problems in audio can be traced back to the preamp. Its either the whole problem, or at least part of the problem. Very few people ever figure this out, and that's why you see some people always changing components. They're just not aware of the real problem. This is what's wrong with the Naim. Its extremely difficult to build a good preamp, and its even harder to build a good, cheap preamp. I haven't heard every product on the market, but I can honestly say that I've ever heard a good preamp for the $1500 or $1600 that the Naim sells for. Also, take into account that the amp section of the 5i takes up a good portion of the cost.

There are a few manufacturers that under stand this, and instead of including an active line stage in their integrated amps, they use a passive instead. Creek is one of them, Ayre is another, and if you gave me some time to think, I could come up with a few more examples. Either way, it will be a fairly small number.

Going with a passive line stage is away to get around so many obstacles that you run into with cheap preamps. My saying is if you can't afford a good active preamp, don't use one at all.

If you end up finding a used 5350SE, you need to be careful because there are 3 versions. The original 5350SE, a slightly upgraded 5350SE Classic, and the 5350SE Classic made in Asia. I would recommend that you get one made in the UK, even if its an original model.

Another option that will give you a lot more options, is to buy a stand alone power amp and a separate passive line stage. A lot of people do it this way and get results that would otherwise be out of their reach had they gone with an active solution.

Hi sfall, 

Thanks for the info. I think you may have mentioned that on another one of my threads... (regarding passive preamp stages) as the 4330 does have a passive pre, as does the 5350. I am keeping my eye on a Classic 5350SE (UK made). The original had a dedicated source knob for recording, as well as those blasted external pre-out/main-in jumpers on the back. The "Classic" 5350SE got rid of the dedicated recording knob and made the pre-out/main-in connection internal (via a button on the back). The Asian made unit is (I believe) the Evolution 5350. 

As for dedicated power amps, a local audio friend of mine has a McIntosh MC502 amp for sale. He's a big McIntosh fan and said it would sound great with the Vandersteens. I bet that sucker would sound awesome with the right preamp. Or... I can sell my Naim CD3.5 as well and go with a cd player with analog volume control? Theta Miles anyone? 

Anyway, as for Integrateds, I'm leaning towards the Classic 5350SE, as well as maybe a Classe CAP-101, Exposure 2010s, Arcam A85 or Rega Mira 3 (one for sale here now). However, I am unsure on the others if they're have passive or active preamp sections? 
For me at least. I like the speakers to be the foundation of my set up. I would ask Vandersteen users what they use with there speakers. There are MANY out there in forumland, I promise :)

I once heard Vandersteen speakers with Audio Research equipment and it had great synergy. Very natural and dynamic sounding. Maybe find out what Vandersteen voices his speakers with?

When it comes to cables and I want to avoid brightness, I stay away from Silver-clad Copper or plated Silver Copper wiring . I much prefer Solid Core Silver (Clear Day) or All copper (Wireworld Eclipse)..those are just 2 examples.
" The original had a dedicated source knob for recording, as well as those blasted external pre-out/main-in jumpers on the back. "

I completely forgot about that. I had the original myself. The external jumpers is one of the best features on the 5350. If you remove them it completely separates the amp and preamp sections. So if you upgrade to a seperate amp or preamp, the Creek can be used either way without having the signal go through the section you're not using. NAD has the same setup on all butt their entry level integrated. If you can't find exactly what you want, NAD would probably be a good choice. Its at least as good as anything else in its price range. Same thing for a Rotel 1060 or 1062.

If naca5 sounds harsh and flat, it may need more burn in or it your system is not in harmony.
It is true that NACA5 has prominent mid that is magical if it is in harmony with the rest of the system. 

From my experience flat and harsh come from 2 possible sources
1. your CD3.5 needs service (change the tants and caps)
2. your cables (include power cables)

Regarding cables if you are using the old grey DIN DIN cable - this sounds muddy bass and lack of highs
so your option from my experience:
1. Naim Grey Lavender - better but in my opinion but just mid level.
2. AR Sound - choose yellow

Power cord:
1. VH Audio airsine - expensive but worth it - you will own this one for a long time.
2. Black sand audio violet - i dont have one but read that it is quite close to VH

Hope this helps

  Just got a used Nait 5i (with NACA5’s) and have been listening over the past week. Rest of my gear is a Naim CD3.5 and Vandersteen 2C’s. 

OMG, are these NACA5’s harsh and flat or what! Anyone else experience this? I think I have all mids and nothing in the highs and lows. No don’t get me wrong, there is some bass punch, but not like my previous Creek 5350SE and 4330SE.