90s is old news? Oh my!
Almost all of my equipment is from the 50s to the 80s, and I'm happier than a pig in ... a pigpen.
I dont relate to all of this newest/expensive going-around-in-circles stuff, especially in an audio market that has become absurdly distorted by what the 0.001% are willing to pay. As I am too fond of saying: David Hafler, where are you in this time of need?
I carefully shopped for what worked and searched for the best deal possible and then I stick with it until it breaks, then I have someone fix it. If there are appropriate upgrades to parts, I have that done at that time.
I love Argentina btw. I was there in 89. Came by bus from the Atacama desert in Chile (the trip started in Santiago) over the Andes into Salta, took the train down to Buenis Aires.
Be well.