Integrateds, which one??????????????

I am looking at several different integrateds and am getting a headache.  I would really like remote ,phono and headphone but can deal with the phono and headphone issue if need be.  The speakers for now are older Vandersteen 2Cs BUT I want to be able to work well with a range of speakers  I am not talking about power but tonal balance/sound  Not to far to the warm and not to far to the analytical / thin side.  Rock and blues are the primary music (so laid back is not good) and the cables are all Analysis Plus.  Using a Music Hall A 50..2 which is very impressive  Liked it better then the Yamaha AS 2000 I tried.  All  below are very close in price used. Thanks

Rogue Tempest Magnun
Rogue Cronus

Solid State
Anthem 225  Had one years ago and thought it was kind of dry but have different cable, gear now
Classe 151  Had a 150  It was OK 151 is supposed to be more neutral
Rotel RA 1570
Roksan Kandy K2
Bel Canto EVO 2 gen II  Had one for 4 years almost perfect but no soul.  Might be different with cables and such
Musical Fidelity A 300

The Rotel 1570 and (Rogue only factory installed) both have the feature of pre amp out Main in
This feature alone is worth its weight in gold.
 In future upgrades this allows the unique Vandersteen high pass  to be installed with a 2WQ.
This pairing further improves the in room bass response while
 reliving the heavy lifting in the bass area of you main amp resulting
 in lowering distortion of the whole system, improving clarity and transparency with genuine performance.
This is the single greatest bang for the buck any Vandersteen owner
 can enjoy.
 Best JohnnyR

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Not going to be adding things to the Vandersteens   The Hegel is out of the question.  I laid out what i can spend   How come nobody is excited about the Rogue Tempest magnum?  60 w/ch??  I have had tube hybrids but never a full tube deal  Worried it could be too dark but tempting just to find out.
  The Anthem integrated one was pretty good.  The Rogue  Sphnix was very good but in the end sounded like what it was  A tube preamp  hiding a class D amp.