Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Since I listen to a fairly wide assortment of music I've purchased loudspeakers that I assume will be able to faithfully reproduce any genre I toss at 'em.  Such is not necessarily a truism, and lately with very few bricks and mortar hifi shops remaining, almost impossible to audition. 

Within my sometimes constrained/free wheeling budget the only speakers that continue to keep my interest are Thiels, and Maggies - in that order.  I've heard a few different Wilsons, B&W,
Focal and a few others that are well above my budget, but when I consider their price find it difficult to justify the expense. One cannot find a superior value in a loudspeaker than Thiel. 

So so far as their ability to handle multiple genres of music well, I've yet to find another manufacturer that does everything so well that by comparison makes it so damn difficult/impossible to part with. A little Aaron Copland, some Son Volt, perhaps an hour with The Hold Steady, followed with an extended visit with Thelonious Monk, finishing up with Herbie Hancock's Joni recording...

Cool beans!

how about posting some listening thoughts/impressions on your new Simaudio Neo?

Happy Listening!

The real impression will be made when the 3.6's arrive. As for now with the 3.5's the Neo strikes me as being slightly warmer in overall tonality, perhaps slightly more emphatic in the bass region. Again, this being compared with the Pass X150.5/B. A. T. VK3i separates setup I had until recent. To say that I've barely broken the Neo in is an understatement - they suggest a more extended period than I've been able to muster thus far.  

The 3.5's require separates to be fully enjoyed with the bass eq employed.  I had a Primare A32 integrated that posed me with the same issue I have with the Neo - can't employ the bass eq due to lack of inputs. Nonetheless, once I raised the volume to a higher level than I normally listen at the Thiels were quite happy, 
immediately revealing how good the Neo is overall and, as I've said before, how Thiels reveal. 

The Pass attained the same sort of definition at a lower volume level methinks, but this is not for me an issue where I'll be moaning again about selling off a beloved amplifier. I have to believe that when the Neo is broken in I'll have less to think about comparatively and more to enjoy sonically/musically. Obviously, Thiel will take a lot of responsibility for this - they're just so damned good. 

I am so utterly familiar with Ginger Baker's "Cyril Davis" off of the album "Why?" that I use it as a reference point for evaluating my stuff. (There is also "Cyril Davies" off of "Falling Off The Roof" which is essentially the same tune performed differently.)  Being so attuned to either cut I believe is a fair method of reaching an opinion.  The Neo didn't miss a note - albeit at a slightly higher volume.  It was all present. 

Another point of pleasure is the size of the Neo. I no longer have to wrestle that 60 pound Pass when I tinker with cables, etc. I've increased the weight of the speakers however, from 70 pounds of the 3.5's to 107 pounds with the soon-to-arrive 3.6's. C'est la vie...I've actually purchased a hand-truck, covered it with insulation foam to position them!

Is that a "mod"?

Anyone else here with a lifestyle accommodation to keep Thiel rocking?
How far apart do you have your 3.7's, and how close are you? I have my CS6's 8ft apart and I'm 12 feet back. I've tried other positions, but this seems to suit me. Speakers are about 56" out from rear wall.

Thanks Fellas, I'll keep my eyes open for some 2.7, 3.7 . they sometimes show up on craigslist in Twin Cities.
I noticed a lot of you like maggies, As I sit here 5 miles from factory although I loved the 4 prs I had I just had to give up on them as dynamic range was not there for Symphonic . Loud ain't the same thing .