Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

-- "prof and michaeljbrown
sit those speakers 7-9 feet apart for best effect. Toe-in may be required as well. Otherwise, kick back and enjoy the music!" ---

Check out my post just above yours. I already have mine just under 8 feet apart. No toe in required (or desired).

After a couple years dialing the 3.7s I have a pretty good idea of how to get them singing in my room ;-)



Fortunately for me the 3.7s are significantly lighter than the CS6s, especially as I have to move the 3.7s around.  The CS6s, which I had in my room years ago, remain my second favorite Thiel speakers behind the 3.7s.  They are incredible.
Thiel's don't really favor any genre of music, but as Thiel's are less colored and closer to laboratory grade instruments than most other speakers, they will reveal the truths (more on this later) before them. Thiel's aren't  necessarily better than other speakers in any specific audiophile ways, but completive with all of those audiophile speakers in all the various characteristics (with proper equipment and set up) without the downsides of those speakers that are one and two trick ponies. They are extremely balanced in everything they do.  The only limiting factors are room and what precedes them. IME, classical music tends to be better recorded than most popular music. With proper room size and dimensions, and ancillary equipment (especially amplification) the larger Thiels they can excel at symphonic music.  If the recordings had microphones  placed deep within pianos or immediately above the violins, the lack of time for the sound to bloom can lead to perceived hardness. Sometimes to truth isn't so pretty. But I for one prefer that over the syrupy, rose colored glasses perception that other speakers seem to gloss over everything that comes through them, whether they need the it or not.  
All Thiels  need to be at least 8' from speaker directly to listener for proper driver integration, and the time coherence that is such an integral part of the Thiel designs.
Glad to hear that Prof; I'm happily listening to the soundtrack album of "I'm Not There" a 2007 movie of Dylans' life as seen through different characters eyes.. 2 disks of some great interpretations of Dylan's songs..
I've settled in at 8 ft apart and 10.5 feet from the speakers. The soundstage is spot on behind the CS6's...
My work is done!