Speakers for Devialet

Looking for assistance to match my Devialet 440 for speakers to listen primarily rock and instrumental music. Current speakers are audio physics. Thank you 
Primary source is CD + high resolution music on hard disk. Spotify is occasional on the main deck but primarily used on Devialet Phantoms. I guess need to spend more time on the source - will upgrade to Aurender X100 as first stage and check on my power supply...Thx

hi soota,

i agree with some of the comments above that raidho would be a good match. i actually heard their top of the line with devialet amps - a really nice pairing for sure. the speed and control really work well together.

as a disclaimer, i am a raidho dealer and would be happy to answer any further questions. feel free to private message me.

Revel Salon 2s are in your budget, if a smaller speaker is needed the new Magico s3 mk2 shows lots of promise. 
Thx all. Just changed my power distributor to PS8 (Shunyata) and speaker cables to Ansuz Speakz - huge improvement in sound quality, am loving it. Am now auditioning Raidhos on Saturday. Revel Salon 2s are awesome as 2 of my friends have it but not easily available in Singapore. 
@Skanda, what would be a reasonable Price for Raidho D2.1 (demo piece). Many thanks 
I am running Vivid Audio B1 (Upgraded recently to the Decades) and it seems to me like 'hand-in-glove'.   Highly recommended.