Dac: Does anyhting beat the Schiit Gungnir Multibit (Gumby) in the same price range?

Schitt Gungnir Multibit (Gumby): Does anything beat it in the same price range?
You use the Bitstream exclusively for redbook? Have you compared it with other dacs in your own system with the same music?
I only stream Tidal HIFI via Logitech SB Touch. The only one I tried with the exact system is the Bifrost and Chord Mojo. Others I have mentioned above were in similar or different systems. I honestly think most DACs sound pretty good/similar I mean it is really hard to tell unless you do side by side, even then it is still hard. However, with the Bitstream the music is more engaging. Close to real. The separation of the instruments, everything about it is really good.
Also, for whatever it is worth; I can almost instantly compare Bitstream vs. the Logitech SB Touch's DAC which is not a bad DAC and liked very much by some people. I will tell you this; the Bitstream is better by a MILE!
I've heard tremendous differences between DAC's. I've awoke to the fact that we live in a new era where price doesn't necessarily dictate performance, especially with DACs that utilize multi-bit R2R technology.
Although my two last comments about the DACs being similar/different seem like they don't make sense. I meant DACs that are in similar price range. Obviously, SB Touch and Bitstream comparison is not fair.