Best Song or AlbumTitles?

This is admittedly a stupid thread, and a waste of your time. But, for amusement sake, please indulge me.

All of us have our favorite bands, favorite genres and so on. But what are your favorite song or album titles?

There have been some very clever titles over the years.

I'd like to begin with my favorites:

"Careful with that ax, Eugene" the Pink Floyd classic.

"The smoker you drink, the player you get" by Joe Walsh

"As falls Wichita so falls Wichita Falls" by Pat Metheny

"Don't Bogart that Joint" - remade by Little Feat, but originally recorded by Fraternity of Man (I think).

"Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road" - Loudon Wainright?
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"Yes Sir, I Can Boogie" (auf Deutsch) by M.A. Numminen
"Tunnelmassa" ("In the Mood" in Finnish) by M.A. Numminen:
"Kotiharjun päällä"  ("American Patrol" swing, in Finnish) by M.A. Numminen
  "The Anaheim, Azuza And Cucamunga Sewing Circle, Book Review And Timing Association"
-Jan & Dean
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