Grado cartridges still worth the money?

I wonder if people still pay near $2000 for MM cartridges? I have an old TR and wonder if I should upgrade it to the latest version. 
Interesting that not long ago these were very sort after and many post about them but now not a lot of people are interested anymore?
We use a low output Grado in our Triplanar; its very musical, highly detailed and tracks everything- no complaints.
In the old days, Joe Grado was in charge....he was a singer at the met and knew what music should sound like.   They are still very nice, and worth the money they command, but they aren't world leaders. Unless you use the right arms, they sometimes are poor trackers....and have hum issues in some arms as well.
Love the Grados. I had a few including the Promethean which was a modded inexpensive Grado. I had a Grado on my Special Edition Maplenoll air bearing everything TT that was isolated on a sub Hertz platform. That was 20 years ago. How time flies. I am currently using Grado SR 80 headphones with my portable cassette player. Very musical, yeah!