Has anyone considered rebuying a speaker you once owned??

I am curious if any one has ever considered buying a speaker previously owned and liked, but decided to either downsize or look for a "different" type of sound. 

I ask because I purchased a pair of Acoustic Zen Adagios speakers about 5-6 years ago, and decided to downsize the system with a less heavy speaker that was easier to move around.  The Adagios were 80 lbs each.  I currently own a pair Golden Ear Technology model 7 speakers (purchased in 2014)  which are smaller and lighter at 37 lbs each. The Adagios are 50 inches tall, and the GET 7's are 40inches with a slimmer profile. 

I realize the Adagios  are almost three and a half times more expensive than GET 7's. which are $1395. They can sound very good, but I have come to realize they are not in the same league sound quality wise as AZ Adagios. and  may possibly be the best speaker I ever owned.   Of course, hindsight or hindsound is a wonderful thing.    Thanks,  SJ   



 I feel I have moved up in speaker performance in the last few years now owning Wilson Maxx II's. however a pair of Martin Logan CLSII's still resonate with me.  The sound was so smooth, silky and seductive you would think your were on a first date.  My Wilson Maxx IIs are incredible full range and deliver what the CLS's could not but  still the CLS II's were special.   

To ebm,

As I mentioned in the text of the thread above, I downsized from  the AZ Adagios because of their size and weight.  I did not necessarily expect to find something almost as good or equal to them in sound quality that was half their retail price ( which I did not pay)  and, I looked and read for 6 months before selecting the Golden Ear Technology model 7's which the rave of CES 2012 and which sound very good. But as I said before, I  have now come to realize their strengths and limitations, and it may be time  to move on, or even back( to the Adagios)  That I will have to decide what direction I want to go.

I did this before, downsizing from B&W Matrix 3 MK !!  floor standers  to Green Mountain "Europas" (bookshelf), and then to Vandersteen 1C's and Prelude I MK!!  (  I forgot the brand name). Both were slim floor standers and excellent speakers. The Adagios followed and I quickly realized that their predecessors  were not in the same league, but also less expensive (with the exception of B&W Matrix 3 MKII mentioned before).

I don't think..." not knowing what you are doing" is the reason other members sold speakers that they loved. Sometimes, it just circumstances or maybe thinking that the "grass is greener" with another brand of type of speaker. Even that reason is not misguided, naïve, or misinformed, but often the course some buyers take to learn more about the music they listen to which enhances their enjoyment and satisfaction.    

Interesting question.  A few years back I was having dinner with my son and I mentioned that I missed my old JBL L112 speakers I bought in Japan.  He says, I still have them.  What?  I had no idea you still had them as I'd moved multiple times, many overseas and just lost track of them.  I picked them up and had the surrounds rebuilt and they are awesome!  Glad he hung on to them all those years.
Glad I'm not alone. I sold my Revel F206 and replaced with Zu Druid. Then I sold the Zu and bought back the Revels. Now I want the Zu back also.
(Just because I'm not alone here does not mean I'm not outta my mind however.) I loved the 206 before but love em even more now. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.