Speaker recommendation for married couple

I am the guy who opened the thread "Harbeth Love". Unfortunately, wife didn't like them at all. She listened to ATC, nope. Spendor? Nope. I do trust her ears too but we need speakers that we both like. I remember her liking this Sonus Faber speakers (can't recall the model but I know newer Fabers). She also likes KEF LS50 which I find good but not outstanding. Any help for this married couple?:)
The spousal unit and I have just completed our first speaker search as a couple. My spouse, a musician, initially wanted stand mounts (Genelec, B&W). Based on past experience, I wanted floor standers (as close to full range as we could get for our budget). After considerable auditioning, we decided on a pair of GoldenEar Triton 3+. You could say that they have both "detail and warmth". They also had attributes we both considered important: large soundstage, generous sweet spot, transparency, coherence, dynamics. (Much to our surprise, neither of us liked the LS50s.) 

I am with audiotroy - what specifically did your wife like abut the Sonus Fabers and LS50s. (The house sound of these two brands sound nothing alike to me.) What kind of music do you both listen to? What's your budget? I assume you both brought along some of your favorite music to the auditions.

Just for the record,  I am the wife, and I am the audiophile.  So now, jnovak, you've heard of a wife who cares more about how a speaker sounds than how it looks. ;-)
My wife is not an audiophile, but greatly appreciates and acknowledges the sound quality of our system.  She only comments on whether she feels if the sound is better, worse, no difference, ad does not tell me yes or no regarding any of my audio purchases (although she does comment on some of my music choices). My last purchase was a pair of Omega Super Alnico Monitors (in cherry finish) on Skylan stands. That was over a year ago and she still comments on hearing things in a recording that she never notices before, and loves these speakers.  Before getting these we auditioned Harbeth M30.1s, Golden Ear Triton 3, KEF LS50s, and the Tannoy Revolution XT 8F.   I really liked the Harbeths, but thought to give the Omega a try (30-day free home audition, just pay return shipping).  We both immediately picked the Omega's.  Midrange magic (right there with Spendor and Harbeth) at half the cost of the Harbeth's.  My speaker path to today has taken us from AR (from late 70s), Altec Lansing, Polk, to most recently Spendor (BC-1 and s5e).  Louis at Omega makes a wide range of monitors and floor standers, does custom veneers, is great to interact with, and produces one heck of a speaker.
You realy do have to ask your wife if she can tell you why she liked the VAs and KEFs.  The let her pick from whatever else you may audition. Then  change your system around if necessary to achieve the sonic you actually want. 
The issue in this case is that looks clearly trumped sound for your wife...this is EXACTLY why I'm not married!!