Need help with finding out value of home theater

I am quickly needing info. on what the value of certain equipment is if I am to sell it. I know the values of the products new, but it it is 1 1/2 years old, but has been in storage and not been used for the past 10 months. Here is the list of items :

B&W Signature 805's - 1 pair
B&W Nautilus HTM1 - 1
B&W ASW800 - 1 pair
B&W CCM80's - 2 pair
McIntosh MX134 - 1
McIntosh MC126 - 1
McIntosh MVP851 - 1
Audioquest Volcano Wire (10 ft.) pair - 1 pair
Rockustils Speakers - 1 pair
Active Thermal Kit - 1
McIntosh control panel - 1
Mitsubishi plasma TV (50 in.) - 1

I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me out on this.....
get the Agon bluebook, it isnt fair to ask for free info that many of us pay for.
Thanks, but I think I got the info. today that I needed from a local high end electronic company in my area...

BTW, someone told me that there was a pair of B&W signature 805's that just sold on this site for $2,700, so I don't think I would be interested in letting them go for $650 or $1000...I also would be crazy to let all of it go for a mere 5K....