Spatial Audio speakers sound best with Solid state or tube amps. If so, which models?

Do you have Spatial Audio speakers in your system? Do you use solid state or tube amps to drive them, and if so what models sound best?
cjronica that is amazing! How long have you had the system? What other components are you using?
TTW Turntable with copper platter, Arvo tonearm, Ortofon Cardenza Bronze Phono Cartridge and Triode of Japan CD Player. PS Audio Premier Power Plant and Acoustic Zen Cables. I also have A NAD S 100 Amp but prefer The Tubes
I have the M4 Turbos powered by a Class D Audio SDS-250. Sounds good. Most of my listening is done using a Squeezebox Touch and Schiit Mimby.
The M4's were a nice step up from Maggie MMG's.
fr8dog, was the Class D Audio SDS-250 the only model available when you bought? Just wondering why you didn't get the SDS-500? And, did you buy a kit or a complete amp with case?