The eternal quandary size versus sensitivity versus quality!! Help wanted!!
So I keep going around and around and around on this, so I might as well put it on Audiogon( posted also on Audiokarma), so someone else can also go around and around( big grin)!
I am looking for speakers for my third set up. This is in a bedroom/office, Where the speakers will essentially be in the near midfield, 4 to 5 feet from speaker to seated your level. The speakers will be on a portion of the desk, one area slightly higher than the other and surrounding a 50 in 4K TV, which serves as the computer monitor.
All input will be digital: 1. MacBook Pro(Apple lossless, FLAC, Redbook and better)-using USB to 2. COS H1 (DAC-headphone amp), to 3. PP UL Audio Space 2i(uses EL84s).integrated tube,@ 12-16 Watts, Audioquest/Mogami cabling. First had old old(don't ask!!) Bose acoustimass blocks, then for the hel! Of it on Amazon-super sale (and based on reviews)bought the Pioneer SP-BS22-LR Andrew Jones speakers, and now want the best.
The Bose were as expected (😉), the Pioneers are"ok" with music: a relatively clearer and deeper bass than I expected(I am absolutely going to get another compact sub for under the desk anyway), but an imprecise mid and dull muddy highs. All the negatives in sound quality are actually accentuated when moving out of desk chair, back into a seated sweet spot 12 or so feet distance from speakers. SPL at that site is JUST adequate for my ears( with rock, not so much classical) and yet these are "fairly" sensitive speakers(Pioneer 85 db, Stereophile test 86, rated 6 ohms, tested generally greater than 10 ohms), and I would like a bit more loudness headroom.
The other issue is size, as the Pioneers are just about right, although I could fit a bit larger, but the back of speaker is wall/window constrained as to distance away and any rear port function, say max 8 inches, dependent on speaker size.
As their are no real good audio dealers near me, auditioning and store comparison is absent. I have read nearly every forum post, review and manufacturer data concerning the possible lineup of suspects that meet size criteria and trying to get a high sensitivity, generally contradictory terms! Read about (all models within manufacturer that approach criteria), including ELACs, KEFs, B&W 5in, MLs, Polk, Sonus Faber, Dynaudio, Focal, Fluance, Klipsch, Dali, Dayton, JBL, Zu, etc.. Price is important, but given size And sensitivity requirements, less so since small size more or less equals small( audiophile relative here 😉) price.
I would really like someone to say, best speaker is the.....but.......
Auditioning in house is a haste, as returns a pain, and I guess amazon is probablythe easiest for this for me(FedEx nearby).
I guess I am leaning towards:
Dali Zensor 3 SPL 87, 8.07 x 11.54 x 13.82 in
KEF Q100. 86 db , 11.8 x 7.1 x 10.7 inches ; note other KEFs too large or too insensitive
ELAC unifi b6. 85 db(Probably not sensitive enough for my needs) , 7.87 x 10.75 x 12.75 in,; other ELACs, same as for other KEFs
Zu Omen(4Kand Large 18 in)/cube(1k)(both high effficency!!), but absolutely need sub with cube, 12 in
I really really would value input. I like the amp and just retubed( have used the original Audio Space tubes -probably high grade select Shuguang; had RCA NOS; Psvane select; now for the he!! Of it trying Gold Lion(had good luck w these) and JJs-- please no tube discussion here!!), and do Not want to change the amp(nice size and weight). I do not really want the hassle of used speakers. Would like to stay around $2 k or less. I noted SIZE importance as well as sensitivity explanation. I noted the internet purchase, sound unheard requirement( I am also kinda disabled, sigh). So guys and gals HELP.
Thanks in advance