There is a wonderful and new 10 page + review of the French audio resistors made by Lefson written by Jeff Day. These resistors are 35 to 90 Euros each ! He has considerable experience using audio quality parts with his Duelund capacitor + resistors in his Tannoy crossover project.
He points out the final voicing of a system can best be done by only the owner of the system in the room it is to by used in.
I think this approach is correct and can be appreciated by even the non soldering types such as myself. However, I can trial fuses and wall A/C outlets in my system and can achieve significant improvements. Unlike Lefson resistors and Duelund parts, Synergistic Research and Audio Magic fuses and outlets are sold with a 30 day trial or return policy. The results of using the SR Black fuses and SR Black outlets in my systems have been substantial. I do hope any new readers of this thread will summon up the courage and give the audio grade fuse and wall outlet an audition.
The process of making this effort is a worthwhile endeavor.
David Pritchard