Any GON members ever try Mye stands on MG-20/20.1?

Just ordered a pair of Mye stands for my MG-20's. I really don't know why I did not do this along time ago, since everything I have read on other sites rave about the postive effects of these stands on the sonics of any Magnapan.

So my question is , since I respect the opinion of my fellow GON members, have any of you tired out these stands for your Magnapans, especially MG-20's or 20.1's, and if so please share what your experience has been. Thanks.
Teajay - I added them to my 20.1's with notable improvement in clarity of detail, expecially bass detail. Thoroughly worthwhile.
I can't fit 3.6s or 20s into my listening space, but I do have four 1.7s (quadraphonic).  I fully agree with the benefits discribed by Rootman & Peter so I won't bother with that.  My experience is that I bought a pair of Mye stands for the front channel speakers since 80% of my music comes from the front channels.  The Mye stands worked so well, especially in the bass response department, that where I had a nicely balanced sound front-to-rear, now I had an anemic sounding set of rear speakers which were no match for the fronts - even if I turned up the rear volume.  It just wasn't the same.
Since I don't need/want as much crystal clarity coming from my rear speakers I opted for a set of Sound Anchors for the rear speakers.  The bass oomph and the mid & upper volumes came back into focus, and all is well.
Now, 1.7s are just a little over two grand a pair.  My Mye Stands cost me close to $600 with shipping and a couple of extra holes drilled. That's approx. 30% of the cost of the 1.7s, yet I still consider them to be a bargain.  
If you can afford to add a pair of Mye Stands to your Maggie's - do it!  If you don't think you'll have an extra $400 - $600 to spend, at least get the Sound Anchors.
You'll be in for a very pleasant surprise.

I know these posts are still read a lot for current situations .
The more knowledge the better .