Class D is just Dandy!

I thought it was time we had a pro- Class D thread. There's plenty of threads about comparisons, or detractors of Class D.

That's fine, you don't have to like Class D amps, and if you don't please go participate on one of those threads.

For those of us who are very happy and excited about having musical, capable amps that we can afford to keep on 24/7 and don't require large spaces to put them in, this thread is for you.

Please share your experiences with class D amps!
I love this thread. Thanks again Erik, for starting it and Guido for being such a solid foil.
I love this thread. Thanks again Erik, for starting it and Guido for being such a solid foil.

+1 .. it’s a pleasant change from the normal bashing class d takes. I have 3 class d amps, an older PS Audio Trio A-100 (ICE based), a Fleawatt TPA3116D2 integrated, and a Dayton Audio DTA-120. I really enjoy all 3.
Hi @guidocorona

Thanks for the suggestion. I feel bad asking for a loaner pair with no intention of buying. :)

To everyone else, it is really the contributors on this thread, even those i don't agree with, who keep it interesting and welcoming. :)


Sounds like you guys are getting a little too technical for me,but keep the thread going because it's so nice to read positives about class d and not the usual negatives.

All I can say about class d is it has come a long way but will probably continue improving as time goes by.I started into class d about 4 yrs ago with a set of diy nc400 and I own a set of bel canto ref600m and I have a new red dragon s500.I have been in this hobby for 30 yrs and have been blessed with all kinds of nice gear.I practically gave away a pass labs xa30.8 and first watt j2 on the used market just because they did'nt better any of my class d amps.

At the end of the day it is still all about the music and the amount of emotion and involvement that I can receive,and class d does it for me,not looking for class a or tube amps anymore.

and not the usual negatives.
Some love them some don’t, and on a forum this is where it should be discussed, not limited to just the "pro sector" usually from owners, but the negatives also from those who’ve listened/owned but don’t like their sound, and then technically the reasons why this maybe the case.

and class d does it for me,not looking for class a or tube amps anymore.
That’s good, if you believe you’ve reach your holly grail with the Class-D.
I’m still waiting for it to mature with future advances in technology that are coming, as Technics have started in very expensive limited supply. Then we’ll all be happy Class-D campers.

I see it a bit like the first hard sounding brickwall filtered CD players, which I also didn’t like, took a while but the newer technology especially in filtering and I/V conversion now makes great music, even with using those same old d/a chips, of that era with pcm redbook replay.

Cheers George