Hey guys,
Pull out your tape measures!
First off, were measuring screens here, not something else!
Seriously, I own a 36" Sony Wega KD-36XS955 4:3 CRT HDTV and the actual screen height, vertically, is 22 1/2 high.
This does not include the chassis, only the actual screen itself.
I like the vertical height of my Sony, but I want a wide screen tv for HD and movies with the 16:9 aspect ratio. I want the actual screen height at least the same vertical height as my 36 incher.
My question is this:
On wide screen tv's, what MINIMUM size would I need to buy to AT LEAST EQUAL the 22 1/2 vertical height of my 36" 4:3 screen Sony CRT?
Remember, this is the actual screen itself, and does NOT include the chassis.
One friend said a 46", another friend said a 50" wide screen, but I need more solid answers from actual owners of wide screens. Neither of my friends actually owns one!
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
This requires use of the pythagorian theorem: a2 + b2 = c2
a =height, b = width, c = diagonal measure
a = 22.5 , b = 40 (16:9, so 22.5 divided by 9 then multiplied by 16 = 40 inches.)

a2 = 506.25
b2 = 1600
c2 = 2106.25

c = 45.89 inches

However, the height of 36 inch 4:3 TV should calculate out this way:
3x = height, 4x = width, 36 inches = diagonal measure.
(3x)2 + (4x)2 = (36)2
9x2 + 16x2 = 1296
25x2 = 1296
x2 = 1296/25
x = 36/5
3x = 21.6 inches

Therefore an equivalent 16:9 TV should be:

a = 21.6, b = 38.4

a2 = 466.56
b2 = 1474.56
c2 = 1941.12

c = 44.06 inches

So, a 4:3 tv of 36" diagnal should actaully be the same height as a 44" 16:9 TV
What size diagonal screen monitor are you using that has a 26 1/2 vertical height?

Audio girl, It's 55" measured diagonally. It's a Sony, Grand WEGA (rear projection) LCD.

It had the best picture for the money. Perhaps third or fourth place behind TV's that cost 6K to 12K (and beyond).

Mine was about $2800.00 and all I could justify for a TV.

Good luck with your search !
Post removed 
BTW, there is an easier way to do 4:3 TVs--its a right triangle, and given the height of 3 and width of 4, it has to be a perfect 3:4:5 triangle.