Best integrated from this list...

Below is a list of what I am considering. My source is a Naim CD3.5 and speakers are Vandersteen 2c. Cabling is DH Labs Q-10 speaker and Air Matrix interconnects. My system is an a second bedroom that is 12x14, with a non-slopped 5x5 dormer section. The Vandys sound great in that room and I have them placed according to the owner's manual. The Vandys have a more laid back sound and the CD3.5 blends well with them as it is on the fuller side, yet still has deep, punchy bass and crisp airy highs. I guess to keep the synergy, I'm looking for an integrated on the neutral side--especially in the mids. A swing either way will throw-off the balance I assume. I definitely want an integrated with extended bass response and detail, yet still have punch/slam. Considering the room size, I can operate anything within the 50-100wpc range. Another option is to go separates. A local audio buddy of mine has a McIntosh MC-502 for sale that I could run the CD3.5 direct as it has L & R volume controls on the front. This would only be until I could get a preamp.

1. Creek "Classic" 5350SE
2. Classe CAP-101
3. Musical Fidelity M3si
4. Arcam A19, A85, or equivalent/better.
5. Simaudio Moon i1/250i
6. McIntosh MC-502 (CD3.5 direct until preamp)
7. Other possibilities???
A. used current Krell integrated. The sound is superlative.
B. Naim doesn't have an integrated that fits your bill?

Change of plan... 

Looking for suggestions now for power amp that will mate well together with Vandersteen 2c's and Theta Miles CD player. No preamp; I'm using the Miles in direct via it's analog volume. I'm planning on checking out a audio friend's McIntosh MC502 as he is local and I can get a firsthand audition with the Miles. 

Parasound Halo Integrated - 160 watts, phono stage, sub adjustment control on the front.  BIG bang for the buck.  Great reviews!  I didn't research the price on your other choices but the Parasound is $2500 new and probably underpriced.

I haven't bought one...yet.
LFD LE of almost any vintage (LE V+ is the current version).  Just amazing.  Super stripped down and frill-free, all the effort went into the sound.  It will mate super well with the Vandersteen2c's.  Only 2 distributors in the US, they are easy to find.
You should add the LineMagnetic508IA to your list. Mine seems to sound better every time I light it up..