Small room electrostat/ planar speaker?

In about 30 days will be moving to a new home where its going to be hard to make my 1.7 maggies work in a spouse friendly way ( the only large room is the main living room). I've always gravitated to planars and electrostatics, box speakers that don't sound colored or slow usually cost more than my entire system. Where I'd like to end up is a system that's extremely resolving at low to moderate volume levels, my main dissatisfaction with my current Mg 1.7 speakers and Prima Luna amp is that it really doesn't come to life until the volume is moderate listening levels or higher.

I'm wondering if anyone has seen something that approaches the coherency and speed of the 1.7s that would work in an 11x12 listening room? I'd like to keep the cost limited to $4k if possible.
Ivan that is quite exciting about the new series of small Soundlabs. As is typical, there is absolutely no information on their website. I love soundlabs and have always wanted them but didn’t because of the size.

Can you comment a bit on this new Euphoria series? have you heard them and if so compare to the larger models. (A friend used to own U1’s)

Can an you give us size and retail price info and comment how the new bass design is accomplished ?

soundlab doesn’t get enough exposure, but having heard most of the ’stat speakers brands at some point in time, none come close to soundlab.

I wanted to like the latest ML CLX and Neolith, but I found them to have significant issues. I do like quads within their limitations.

I do use the tiny Enigmacoustics 'stat supertweeters to augment my TAD’s so I feel I have a small taste of that stat quality on the highs.  

Actually to my ears the Tad’s remind me of the Crosby - quad ESL 63’s I used to own many years ago, but with dynamic capability.    Later I found out Andrew Jones owns and loves ESL 57’s and was close with Peter Walker, so the Similarites are not "coincidental".... LOL
Hi emailists,

I'll give you some basic specs. You can then go to the Sound Lab site under dealers and look at the link to my site under Best Sound Only in CT. I will be posting ALL the information that I have on my site. Its under construction so if you have any questions let me know.

I have U-1PX Consummates in my reference room. They are sold, but were a constant upgrade of panels and backplates over the years since most full-range SLs are upgradeable. I will be the first dealer in the US to have a pair of U-4iAs on display. The first production pair went to Japan, I believe. I have a wonderful respect for Dr.West (we are both Ph.Ds but in different disciplines - I took a semester at Stanford where he has his from) so our dialog convinced me to try them since he was very excited by his latest design breakthrough. They both include PX, Consummate backplates and new Bass-Focus technology. Think of them as a single panel esl line source with D'Apolitto bass facets at top and bottom for better room coupling and bass gain - adjustable. I get an honest 20Hz in my room from from the U-1PX Consummates. The U-4iA pair that went to Asia tested at 30 Hz.

56" H x 25" W x 5.5" D panels: backplate depth 25" (M545 is 24")

Price: M545: $13, 436
          U-4iA: $21, 634

I'm very excited by this form factor and will open SL up to a larger audience. They should sell for 3x the price. I think they will hold their value better than the larger panels, thank g.d.

A pair of Gallo A’diva speakers with tube stands and a TR-3 sub is the ticket . And if your wife will let any speakers in living room these are them. Women love them.
As fast as 1.7 and more coherent , around 2 k . You can try any position in any room in a matter of minutes .
BTW another option is the Bob Carver Amazing Line Source system that comprises 2 multi-ribbon/side 4" driver array based tower and a Sub
Rosa subwoofer- amplifier-xover - amp. (I have one in my a smaller room probably the size you are going to. It is wonderful with lower powered valve/tube amps - 93 db efficient! ) I drove it with a 50 watt SS amp so you should have no problems. The towers are intended for tube amps. It is:
4 5/5" wide, 93" tall, 6 7/8" high (tower) w/SR 18 Hz -45Khz - I got 20Hz in my small room but that is the lowest tone I have. 
The system retails for $18500 complete. Subtract $3000 if you have the Audiokinesis Swarm and don't need the SR :)

I heard these at the NYAS in November. It got a very positive review on the S-Phile web site but was immediately taken down by J-A because of the bad blood with BC. I though it was the best sound at the show.  All the money coffins sounded distorted. Check the SBSound for a review of older models. 

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