Which is Better? Musical Fidelty A5 (used) or new Rogue Sphinx?

I currently have an NAD C 375 BEE integrated amp running a pair of BW 804S speakers. Have urge to get new integrated amp. Have considered a used Musical Fidelity A5 (it has lots of power) or a new Rogue Sphinx (not as much power but sweet sound). Listen mainly to classic rock and blues with some classic jazz and little classic country and western music. I also like it on the loud side. Can't decide. Which choice will give me the biggest upgrade over the NAD? I'm counting on some input from the membership.


Not that it changes anything, but Stereophile has been criticized heavily since the early 90's for having a bias toward MF. They spend a lot of money on advertising.
I have listened to both and if it were me I would opt for the Rogue. It has a nice phono stage too